
CAST-Förderpreis IT-Security 2017


Sucessful submission by students of TU Darmstadt and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

For the 17th time the CAST-Förderpreis IT-Security was awarded yesterday. Patrik Holzer, TU Darmstadt, took the second place in the category Master-Thesis with his Thesis "Recovering Short Generators of Principal Fractional Ideals in Cyclotomic Fields of Conductor p^alpha q^beta".

Jascha Kolberg, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and Ruhr-Universität Bochum, took a very close third place with his Thesis "Efficient Homomorphic Encryption to Protect Iris Codes for Biometric Authentication". Torsten Schlett, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, took 6th place for his Thesis "Multi-spectral Iris Segmentation in visible Wavelength" in the category Bachelor Thesis.
The CAST Förderpreis IT-Security is awarded to authors of outstanding final assignments and student research in the area of IT-Security. The finalists are invited to present the results of their work to the interested public. Participants have the opportunity to question the innovations of the individual thesis and to convince themselves of the quality of the contributions. Following this a jury of representatives of economy and science determine the winners.

To the press release of CAST e.V.

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