
CRISP Researchers are Participating in the International Research Project GHOST


The Goal is the Consumer Awareness for Cybersecurity Risks in the Smart Home

The international research project "GHOST - Safe-Guarding Home IoT Environments with Personalised Real-time Risk Control" has started. Participating  are ten partner organisations from inter alia Spain, Greece, Norway and Switzerland. The only German partner represented in the project consortium is the Technische Universität Darmstadt with the researchgroup SECUSO headed by  Prof. Melanie Volkamer.

Starting point of the project are the so called Smart Homes households in which household and multimedia appliances interact and which are remote controled centrally. This leads to divers and complex cybersecurity challenges which GHOST wants to react to by means of a software capable and useful security solution. GHOST specifies a transparent cybersecurity surrounding for all Europeens who live in an integrated world. The goal: Consumers are sensitized for cybersecurity risks with a minimum of, kennen Bedrohungen und Schwachstellen und treffen informationsbasierte Entscheidungen hinsichtlich ihrer cyber-physischen Sicherheit und Privatsphäre.
Mit einer Laufzeit von drei Jahren ab dem 3. Mai 2017, wird das Projekt über das Forschungs- und Innovationsprogramm Horizon 2020 der Eurpäischen Union unter der Finanzhilfevereinbarung Nr. GA-740923 mit rund 500.000 Euro gefördert (Gesamtförderung rund 3,6 Mio. Euro).

Informationen zum Kick Off von GHOST

Inforamtionen zur Forschugsngruppe SECUSO

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