CRISP-Scientists are informing about the protection against Phishing and other dangerous messages
"Sicherheitsforum Online-Banking"
Within the evening event "Sicherheitsforum Online-Banking" by Sparkasse Langen-Seligenstadt Prof. Melanie Volkamer and Benjamin Reinheimer (SECUSO) are informing about the protection against Phishing and other dangerous messages. Afterwards there will be a lecture by the police headquarters Südosthessen about "Tatort Internet - Schwachstelle Mensch".
From 7:45 pm snacks are offered and the opportunity to answer open questions. The event is for private customers of Sparkasse Langen-Seligenstadt and is organized by the "S-Academy" of Sparkasse.
Material on the topic "Phishing und andere gefährliche Nachrichten" was, among others, developed by the Ferderal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy within the project KMU AWARE funded by the initiative IT-Security in Economy.
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