
Prof. Johannes Buchmann becomes a member of the Society´s Milner Award Committee


Acknowledgment for outstanding scientific achievements

The Royal Society Milner Award supported by Microsoft Research, was created by Council in 2010 and is given annually for outstanding achievements in computer science by a European researcher.  Prof. Johannes Buchmann´s, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, outstanding scientific achievements on the field of cryptographie and IT-Security are honored with the conclusion in the committee.

The Royal Society Milner Award replaces the Royal Society and Académie des Sciences Microsoft Award and is named in honour of Professor Robin Milner FRS (1934-20101), a pioneer in computer science. The Milner Committee includes fellows of the Royal Society as well as members of the Académie des Sciences and the German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina).

Information about the Royal Society Milner Award

Informationen about Prof. Johannes Buchmann

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