
Secret data collectors on Smartphones exposed


CRISP-Member Fraunhofer SIT developed a new data privacy tool for mobile Apps within "Forum Privatheit"

The MetaMiner, developed by Fraunhofer SIT, exposes and blocks tracking-services within Apps, which secretly spy on users. The pursuit of user activities on the web, so called Tracking, has been a known data privacy problem for a long time. Information about which sites a user visits on the web and which interests they have are collected in the background. Numerous solutions are existing for internet browser, which make tracker visible for the user and which protect them.

That this problem also exists for user of Smartphones Apps has until now only been known by experts. Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT developed the tool MetaMiner for end users within the "Forum Privatheit" a research network funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research. With MetaMiner users are able to visualize and to stop the tracking by mobile Apps. The tool was publicly presented for the first time at Web Monday on the 20th of November in Darmstadt.

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