
World Password Day


Creating Passwords with the Privacy Friendly Password Generator App

Appropriately to today´s World Password Day 2017, the family of privacy friendly apps which were developed by the research group SECUSO, CYSEC [at] TU was supplemented by a privacy friendly password generator. This simply enables one to create secure passwords which can not be guessed and therefore hacked.

The app generates its own password for every user account while the user only specifies a master password (which he has to remember or take note). For using the App a minimum of the Android Version 4.2 is necessary.
What difers the privacy friendly password generator from other, similar apps? First, the app uses no authorizations, like for example the access the internet or location information. Second no passwords are stored (neither the master password nor the generated passwords) and it is impossible to create display pictures from the passwords. Finally no irritating ads are displayed in this app which is the case with many other free apps in google play store an can lead to a shortage in battery life and used data volume.

The password generator is like all privacy friendly apps free of charge and can be downloaded in the Google Play Store  and shortly also in the f-droid store for open source software. If you are interested in the development of apps or the source code you may see these in können Sie diesen bei GitHub einsehen.

Further information regarding the die function and the use of the app can be found on the Websiite of SECUSO
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