Get in touch with us



Prof. Michael Waidner
Fraunhofer SIT |
TU Darmstadt
Tel.: +49 6151 869-250

Deputy CEO

Dr. Matthias Unbescheiden
Fraunhofer IGD
Tel.: +49 6151 155-155


Dr. Michael Kreutzer
Fraunhofer SIT
Tel.: +49 6151 869-348



Kristin Bregulla
Fraunhofer SIT
Tel.: +49 6151 869-268


Christina Metzler
Fraunhofer SIT
Tel.: +49 6151 869-203

ATHENE Digital Hub and Startups

Clara Pfeuffer
Fraunhofer SIT
Tel.: +49 6151 869-133


Cornelia Reitz
Fraunhofer SIT
Tel.: +49 6151 869-368

Law, Contracts and Finance

Linda Schreiber
Fraunhofer SIT
Tel.: +49 6151 869-653


Dr. Katja Seidel
Fraunhofer SIT
Tel.: +49 6151 869-651

Scientific Contacts

Dr. Steven Arzt
Coordinator AVSV

Prof. Carsten Binnig
Coordinator TRUDATA

Prof. Christoph Busch
Coordinator NGBS

Dr. Naser Damer
Coordinator NGBS

Prof. Sebastian Faust
Coordinator TRUDATA

Prof. Marc Fischlin
Coordinator Crypto

Prof. Andreas Heinemann
Coordinator UCSP

Prof. Jörn Kohlhammer
Coordinator SeDiTRaH

Prof. Christian Rathgeb
Coordinator NGBS

Prof. Christian Reuter
Coordinator SecUrban, UCSP

Prof. Haya Schulmann
Coordinator ABC, Energy, Science Shield

Dr. Annika Selzer
Coordinator LeAP

Prof. Martin Steinebach
Coordinator SenPAI, REVISE

Principal Investigators

Dr. Nikolaos Alexopoulos
Dr. Nikolaos Alexopoulos
TU Darmstadt
Fachbereich Informatik, Telekooperation
to the website
Dr. Steven Arzt
Dr. Steven Arzt
Fraunhofer SIT
Secure Software Engineering, Head of Department
to the website
Dr. Kpatcha Mazabalo Bayarou
Dr. Kpatcha Mazabalo Bayarou
Fraunhofer SIT
Mobile Systems and Mobile Networks, Head of Department
to the website
Prof. Alexander Benlian
Prof. Alexander Benlian
TU Darmstadt
Department Law and Economics, Information Systems, Information Systems & E-Services
to the website
Prof. Carsten Binnig
Prof. Carsten Binnig
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Data Management
to the website
Dr. Fadi Boutros
Dr. Fadi Boutros
Fraunhofer IGD
Smart Living & Biometric Technologies
to the website
Prof. Michael Braun
Prof. Michael Braun
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, Coding Theory, Cryptography, IT-Security
to the website
Dr. Richard Bubel
Dr. Richard Bubel
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Software Engineering
to the website
Prof. Christoph Burchard
Prof. Christoph Burchard
Goethe University Frankfurt
Straf- und Strafprozessrecht, Internationales und Europäisches Strafrecht, Rechtsvergleichung und Rechtstheorie
to the website
Prof. Christoph Busch
Prof. Christoph Busch
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, Biometrics
to the website
Prof. Naser Damer
Prof. Naser Damer
Fraunhofer IGD
Smart Living & Biometric Technologies
to the website
Sinisa Dukanovic
Sinisa Dukanovic
Fraunhofer SIT
Industrial Security Solutions
to the website
Dr. Matthias Enzmann
Dr. Matthias Enzmann
Fraunhofer SIT
Cloud Computing und Identity und Privacy
to the website
Prof. Sebastian Faust
Prof. Sebastian Faust
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Applied Cryptography
to the website
Prof. Marc Fischlin
Prof. Marc Fischlin
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Cryptography and Complexity Theory
to the website
Dr. Nina Gerber
Dr. Nina Gerber
TU Darmstadt
Human Sciences, Work- and Engineering Psyochology
to the website
Prof. Gerd Griepentrog
Prof. Gerd Griepentrog
TU Darmstadt
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (etit)
to the website
Prof. Jan Gugenheimer
Prof. Jan Gugenheimer
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction (MCI)
to the website
Prof. Iryna Gurevych
Prof. Iryna Gurevych
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab
to the website
Dr. Ivan Habernal
Dr. Ivan Habernal
TU Darmstadt
Trustworthy Human Language Technologies
to the website
Prof. Reiner Hähnle
Prof. Reiner Hähnle
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Software Engineering
to the website
Dr. Oren Halvani
Dr. Oren Halvani
Fraunhofer SIT
AI and Security
to the website
Dr. Kris Heid
Dr. Kris Heid
Fraunhofer SIT
Testlab Mobile Security
to the website
Dr. Jens Heider
Dr. Jens Heider
Fraunhofer SIT
Testlab Mobile Security, Head of Department
to the website
Prof. Andreas Heinemann
Prof. Andreas Heinemann
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, Telecommunication, IT-Security
to the website
Dr. Thorsten Henkel
Dr. Thorsten Henkel
Fraunhofer SIT
Industrial Security Solutions, Head of Department
to the website
Dr. Olaf Henniger
Dr. Olaf Henniger
Fraunhofer IGD
Smart Living & Biometric Technologies
to the website
Prof. Matthias Hollick
Prof. Matthias Hollick
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Secure Mobile Networking
to the website
Philipp Holzinger
Philipp Holzinger
Fraunhofer SIT
Secure Software Engineering
to the website
Prof. Gerrit Hornung
Prof. Gerrit Hornung
University of Kassel
Öffentliches Recht, IT-Recht und Umweltrecht
to the website
Dr. Fabian Ising
Dr. Fabian Ising
Fraunhofer SIT
Advanced Cryptographic Engineering
to the website
Prof. Kristian Kersting
Prof. Kristian Kersting
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Machine Learning
to the website
Florian Kirchbuchner, M. Sc.
Florian Kirchbuchner, M. Sc.
Fraunhofer IGD
Smart Living & Biometric Technologies, Head of Department
to the website
Prof. Andreas Koch
Prof. Andreas Koch
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Embedded Systems and Applications
to the website
Prof. Heinz Koeppl
Prof. Heinz Koeppl
TU Darmstadt
Department Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Bioinspired Communication Systems
to the website
Prof. Jörn Kohlhammer
Prof. Jörn Kohlhammer
Fraunhofer IGD | TU Darmstadt
Information Visualization and Visual Analytics, Head of Department | Department of Computer Science, Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
to the website
Prof. Arjan Kuijper
Prof. Arjan Kuijper
Fraunhofer IGD | TU Darmstadt
Research Coach | Department of Computer Science, Interactive Graphics Systems
to the website
Prof. Heiko Mantel
Prof. Heiko Mantel
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems
to the website
Prof. Michael Massoth
Prof. Michael Massoth
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, Telecommunication, Business Informatics
to the website
Prof. Mira Mezini
Prof. Mira Mezini
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Software Technology
to the website
Prof. Amir Moradi
Prof. Amir Moradi
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Implementation Security (ImpSec)
to the website
Prof. Christian Rathgeb
Prof. Christian Rathgeb
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, IT-Security, Biometrics
to the website
Prof. Andreas Reif
Prof. Andreas Reif
Goethe University Frankfurt
Security & Medicine
to the website
Prof. Christian Reuter
Prof. Christian Reuter
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC)
to the website
Prof. Stephan Rinderknecht
Prof. Stephan Rinderknecht
TU Darmstadt
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute for Mechatronic Systems
to the website
Matthias Ritscher
Matthias Ritscher
Fraunhofer SIT
Testlab Mobile Security
to the website
Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, System Security
to the website
Thomas Schäfer, Ph.D.
Thomas Schäfer, Ph.D.
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, Biometrics
to the website
Prof. Björn Scheuermann
Prof. Björn Scheuermann
TU Darmstadt
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (etit)
to the website
Prof. Sebastian Schinzel
Prof. Sebastian Schinzel
Fraunhofer SIT
Applied Cryptography and Medical IT Security
to the website
Dr. Markus Schneider
Dr. Markus Schneider
Fraunhofer SIT
to the website
Prof. Haya Schulmann
Prof. Haya Schulmann
Goethe University Frankfurt
Security in Information Technologie
to the website
Dr. Annika Selzer
Dr. Annika Selzer
Fraunhofer SIT
IT Law & Interdisciplinary Privacy Research, Head of Department
to the website
Prof. Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann
Prof. Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann
Goethe University Frankfurt
Public Law, Information Law, Environmental Law, Legal Theory
to the website
Prof. Martin Steinebach
Prof. Martin Steinebach
Fraunhofer SIT | TU Darmstadt
Media Security and IT Forensics, Head of Department | Department of Computer Science, Media Security and IT-Forensics
to the website
Prof. Florian Steinke
Prof. Florian Steinke
TU Darmstadt
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (etit)
to the website
Prof. Martin Stiemerling
Prof. Martin Stiemerling
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, Telematics, Communication Informatics and Computer Science
to the website
Dr. Alina Stöver
Dr. Alina Stöver
TU Darmstadt
Department of Human Sciences | Institute for Psychology
to the website
Dr. Matthias Unbescheiden
Dr. Matthias Unbescheiden
Fraunhofer IGD
to the website
Prof. Michael Waidner
Prof. Michael Waidner
Fraunhofer SIT | TU Darmstadt
Director | Department of Computer Science, Security in Information Technology
to the website
Dr. Stefan Wesarg
Dr. Stefan Wesarg
Fraunhofer IGD
Visual Healthcare Technologies, Head of Department
to the website
Prof. Alexander Wiesmaier
Prof. Alexander Wiesmaier
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, IT-Security
to the website
Prof. Thomas Wilmer
Prof. Thomas Wilmer
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Information Law, Software Law
to the website
York Yannikos
York Yannikos
Fraunhofer SIT
Media Security and IT Forensics
to the website
Dr. Ephraim Zimmer
Dr. Ephraim Zimmer
TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Telecooperation
to the website

Directions to ATHENE

The ATHENE office is located in the building of the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT.

Rheinstraße 75
64295 Darmstadt

Address for the navigation system

Feldbergstraße 10
64295 Darmstadt (entrance on the opposite side)

By car
Autobahn junction Darmstadt (A5/A67), take the Darmstadt- Innenstadt exit and follow the road into the city. Please follow the Rheinstraße and turn left into the Goebelstraße. Follow the Goebelsstraße until Platz der Deutschen Einheit, then turn right into the Mornewegstraße and turn right into the Feldbergstrasse again. The entrance to our parking lot is to your right after the Peter Behrens-Schule.
Please note that the Rheinstraße bridge is currently closed:
Current information about detours can be found here (see Rheinstraße - Neubau Rheinstraßenbrücke):

By train
From the Darmstadt main train station an approx. 10-minute walk along the Rheinstrasse.

By tram or bus
Take bus F or H, or tram no. 1, 2, 4, 5 or 9 until bus/tram stop "Berliner Allee". From there it is an approx. 1 minute walk to the institute.

By plane
From the Frankfurt/Main airport with the Airliner from Terminal 1, bus stop no. 14, to Darmstadt main station. From there it is an approx. 10-minute walk along the Rheinstrasse. If a taxi is preferred, it is about 25 km.