Get in touch with us
Scientific Contacts
Principal Investigators

Fraunhofer SIT
Mobile Systems and Mobile Networks, Head of Department
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TU Darmstadt
Department Law and Economics, Information Systems, Information Systems & E-Services
to the website

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, Coding Theory, Cryptography, IT-Security
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Goethe University Frankfurt
Straf- und Strafprozessrecht, Internationales und Europäisches Strafrecht, Rechtsvergleichung und Rechtstheorie
to the website

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, Biometrics
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TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Cryptography and Complexity Theory
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TU Darmstadt
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (etit)
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TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction (MCI)
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TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab
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Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, Telecommunication, IT-Security
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TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Secure Mobile Networking
to the website

Fraunhofer IGD
Smart Living & Biometric Technologies, Head of Department
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TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Embedded Systems and Applications
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TU Darmstadt
Department Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Bioinspired Communication Systems
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Fraunhofer IGD | TU Darmstadt
Information Visualization and Visual Analytics, Head of Department | Department of Computer Science, Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
to the website

Fraunhofer IGD | TU Darmstadt
Research Coach | Department of Computer Science, Interactive Graphics Systems
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TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems
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Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, Telecommunication, Business Informatics
to the website

TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Implementation Security (ImpSec)
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Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, IT-Security, Biometrics
to the website

TU Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science, Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC)
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TU Darmstadt
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute for Mechatronic Systems
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Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, Biometrics
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TU Darmstadt
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (etit)
to the website

Fraunhofer SIT
IT Law & Interdisciplinary Privacy Research, Head of Department
to the website

Goethe University Frankfurt
Public Law, Information Law, Environmental Law, Legal Theory
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Fraunhofer SIT | TU Darmstadt
Media Security and IT Forensics, Head of Department | Department of Computer Science, Media Security and IT-Forensics
to the website

TU Darmstadt
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (etit)
to the website

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, Telematics, Communication Informatics and Computer Science
to the website

Fraunhofer SIT | TU Darmstadt
Director | Department of Computer Science, Security in Information Technology
to the website

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Department of Computer Science, IT-Security
to the website

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Information Law, Software Law
to the website

Directions to ATHENE

The ATHENE office is located in the building of the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT.
Rheinstraße 75
64295 Darmstadt

Address for the navigation system
Feldbergstraße 10
64295 Darmstadt (entrance on the opposite side)
By car
Autobahn junction Darmstadt (A5/A67), take the Darmstadt- Innenstadt exit and follow the road into the city. Please follow the Rheinstraße and turn left into the Goebelstraße. Follow the Goebelsstraße until Platz der Deutschen Einheit, then turn right into the Mornewegstraße and turn right into the Feldbergstrasse again. The entrance to our parking lot is to your right after the Peter Behrens-Schule.
Please note that the Rheinstraße bridge is currently closed:
Current information about detours can be found here (see Rheinstraße - Neubau Rheinstraßenbrücke):
By train
From the Darmstadt main train station an approx. 10-minute walk along the Rheinstrasse.
By tram or bus
Take bus F or H, or tram no. 1, 2, 4, 5 or 9 until bus/tram stop "Berliner Allee". From there it is an approx. 1 minute walk to the institute.
By plane
From the Frankfurt/Main airport with the Airliner from Terminal 1, bus stop no. 14, to Darmstadt main station. From there it is an approx. 10-minute walk along the Rheinstrasse. If a taxi is preferred, it is about 25 km.