Research Areas
All research in ATHENE is structured into research areas, each following a clear mission. All research area missions contribute to the the overall mission of ATHENE through a number of research and development projects.

- ABC New DirectionsProf. Haya Schulmann
- Active Cyber DefenseProf. Haya Schulmann
- Control-Flow Fingerprinting for Malware Detection (CFFP)Prof. Haya SchulmannProf. Michael WaidnerProf. Reiner Hähnle
- Large-scale LDAP and S/MIME Analysis (LLAMA)Prof. Sebastian Schinzel
- Research Platform Internet CybersecurityProf. Haya Schulmann
- Routing SecurityProf. Haya Schulmann
- SecScanProf. Michael Waidner
- Security of Critical InfrastructuresProf. Haya Schulmann
- Security of Web Ecosystem (Websec)
- Collaborative P2P Botnet Monitoring and Data-Analysis
- Visual Analytics

- Cross-Language Data Flow Detection and Analysis for iOS Binaries (XDaFlowD)Dr. Jens Heider
- Cross-Language Library-Aware Security Analysis of Complex Software SystemsProf. Mira Mezini
- Enhanced Vulnerability DetectionDr. Steven Arzt
- Foundational Models for Secure Software DevelopmentProf. Mira MeziniProf. Iryna GurevychProf. Kristian Kersting
- Hybrid Fuzzing for Apps and Web ApplicationsDr. Steven Arzt
- Visual and User-Centric Support for Verifying and Avoiding VulnerabilitiesProf. Jörn Kohlhammer
- Automatic Vulnerability Scanner for Mobile Applications
- Automatic Vulnerability Verification
- Further development of the CogniCrypt Assistant to ensure the correct use of crypto libraries
- Machine Learning for Vulnerability Detection
- User-centric visualization of security problems
- Vulnerability Detection for Hybrid Apps using Generic Analyses

- Cryptography and Game Theory for Decentralized Exchanges (CRYPTOECONOMICS)Prof. Sebastian Faust
- Leakage Models for Masking: Bridging the gap between theory and practice (LEAK)Prof. Sebastian Faust
- Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions, Revisited (OPRF)
- PORTUNUSProf. Andreas Koch
- Quantum-Resistance of Symmetric-Key PrimitivesProf. Marc Fischlin
- Secure and Fast Quantum Key Distribution (SATURN)Prof. Marc FischlinProf. Andreas Heinemann
- Secure Compiler and Verification Tools for Masking Schemes in the Noisy Leakage Model (CoVeriNoisy)Prof. Amir MoradiProf. Sebastian Faust
- Agile and Easy-to-use Integration of PQC Schemes
- High Performance Implementations of PQC SchemesDr. Fabian Ising
- Design and Analysis of PQC Primitives
- PQC Building Blocks for eCard Applications - Quantum-resilient PACEProf. Alexander Wiesmaier

- Cybersecurity Compliance in the Energy Sector (CybEnergy)Dr. Annika Selzer
- Real-time Automated Attack Isolation for Smart Home Energy Systems (HomePPSec)Dr. Thorsten Henkel
- Trustworthy Power Electronic Converters for the Secure Operation of Active Distribution Grids (TrustedPowerCon)Prof. Florian Steinke

- Legal aspects of offensive cybersecurity research in dark-X environments (Dark-X)Dr. Annika Selzer
- Legal framework for offensive cybersecurity research (LegRes)Dr. Annika Selzer
- Privacy at Large (P@L)Dr. Annika Selzer
- Systematic privacy for large, real-life data processing systemsDr. Annika Selzer

Next Generation Biometric Systems (NGBS)
Prof. Christian Rathgeb
Prof. Christoph Busch
Prof. Naser Damer
- Biometric Sample Quality AssessmentFlorian Kirchbuchner, M. Sc.Dr. Olaf Henniger
- Embedded BiometricsFlorian Kirchbuchner, M. Sc.Prof. Naser Damer
- Fair Biometric Systems Prof. Christoph Busch
- Operational Challenges in Face Recognition
- Secure Identity ManagementFlorian Kirchbuchner, M. Sc.Prof. Naser Damer
- Trustworthy Biometrics (TrustBio)Prof. Christoph BuschProf. Christian Rathgeb
- Bias and Fairness in Biometric Systems
- Biometric Tampering Detection

Reliable and Verifiable Information through Secure Media (REVISE)
Prof. Martin Steinebach
- Chat Control, Age Verification and Resilience for Minors (ChARM)Prof. Martin Steinebach
- Cross-Domain Disinformation Analysis (CRISIS)Prof. Martin Steinebach
- Deepfake REcognition and Artificial Media (DREAM)Prof. Martin Steinebach
- Safeguarding LLMs against Misleading Evidence Attack (SafeLLMs)Prof. Iryna Gurevych
- Trustworthy and Explainable AI-generated Text Detection (TXAITD)Prof. Iryna Gurevych
- Security and Privacy in Automated OSINT (SePiA)Prof. Martin Steinebach

- Collecting and Sharing Distributed Medical Data of a Digital Twin - Securely, Privacy-friendly and User-centered (MeDiTwin)Prof. Jörn Kohlhammer
- Privacy-Aware Domain-Adaptive Medical NLP (PADAM)Prof. Iryna Gurevych
- Disinformation and CoronaProf. Martin Steinebach
- Fake News and Conspiracy TheoriesProf. Iryna Gurevych
- JAB Codes for Secure Ad-hoc DocumentsProf. Martin Steinebach
- Know Your App
- Quality Assurance of Biomedical LiteratureProf. Iryna Gurevych
- Security Analysis of the German Corona Warn AppDr. Steven Arzt
- Secure Medical Data Sharing

- Security of Fiber-Optic Critical Infrastructures (SecFOCI)Prof. Christian Reuter
- Security and Privacy of Location Systems in Urban Environments (SPLocS)Prof. Matthias Hollick
- Architecture and Processes for Effective Cybersecurity and Privacy Protection in Smart Cities (SecArch)Dr. Michael Kreutzer
- Integrating Safety and Security Aspects in Secure Urban Infrastructures (SaSec)
- Secure Urban Mesh Networks (Smesh)
- Security Modelling and Simulation of Secure Urban Infrastructures (SeMS)
- Security of Urban Infrastructures Against Cyberattacks (SecAttack)
- Situation Awareness for Smart Cities (SiAware)

Security and Privacy in Artificial Intelligence (SenPAI)
Prof. Martin Steinebach
- Detecting CSAM without the Need for CSAM Training Data (DeCNeC)Dr. Oren Halvani
- Forensic and OSINT Technology with Machine Learning (FROST)Prof. Martin Steinebach
- LLM-Aided and Affected Authorship Verification/Attribution (LAVA)Dr. Oren Halvani
- Interactive Visual Cyber Analytics for Trust and Explainability in Artificial Intelligence for Sensitive Data (VCAXAI)Prof. Jörn Kohlhammer
- Protecting Privacy and Sensitive Information in TextsProf. Iryna Gurevych
- Robustness in Machine Learning (RoMa)Prof. Martin Steinebach
- Security in Large Language Models (SecLLM)Prof. Iryna Gurevych
- Adversarial Attacks on NLP systemsProf. Iryna Gurevych
- EXplainable REinforcement Learning for Secure Intelligent Systems (XReLeaS)
- Security and Privacy in Automated OSINT (SePiA)Prof. Martin Steinebach

Trustworthy Data Ecosystems (TRUDATA)
Prof. Carsten Binnig
Prof. Sebastian Faust
- Distributed Usage and Information-Flow Control in the IoT (DUCIF)Prof. Heiko Mantel
- High-Performance Analytical & Secure Query Processing for Cloud Databases (HiPeAC)
- Model-centric Deductive Verification of Smart ContractsDr. Richard BubelProf. Reiner Hähnle
- Probabilistic Data Structures in Adversarial Environments
- Trustworthy Decentralized Coordination and Authentication (TruDeCoA)
- Cryptographic Primitives for Secure Decentralized Protocols
- Distributed Ledger & Multiparty Computation
- Encryption Meets SearchProf. Marc Fischlin
- Federated Machine Learning
- Hardware-assisted Data ProtectionProf. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
- Securing Refinements of Distributed WorkflowsProf. Heiko Mantel
- Trusted and Scalable Shared DatabasesProf. Carsten Binnig
- Trusted Multiparty Computation as a ServiceProf. Sebastian Faust
- Trusted Utilization of Personal DataProf. Mira Mezini

User-centered Security and Privacy (UCSP)
Prof. Andreas Heinemann
Prof. Christian Reuter
- AddressIng Deceptive designs with a tech-assisted citizen science Approach (AIDA)
- A PrIvacy companion for mOtivatioN andknowlEdge transfER (PIONEER)Dr. Ephraim ZimmerDr. Nina Gerber
- A Security Mechanism to Detect and MitigatePerceptual Manipulations in Extended Reality (XR-GUARD)Prof. Jan Gugenheimer
- Comprehensive Probabilistic QoSec-Assessment (ComPAss)
- User-Centered Technology Design for Cyber Situational AwarenessProf. Christian Reuter
- Visualization-based Technologies as Enablers for Privacy Sovereignty Online (PriVis)Prof. Jörn Kohlhammer
- Data Economy and Privacy—An International and Intercultural Perspective
- Easy-to-use Processes and Tools for User-Centric Co-Development of PETs
- Economics of Cybersecurity (EcoSec)
- Fingerprinting Detection and Remediation in Mobile AppsDr. Jens Heider
- Formal QoSec for Comparison and Composition (FoCC)
- PETs for Smart Cities in Security Situations
- PETs in Disease-Management Programs to Reduce Health Care Costs
- Practical Private Set Intersection for Data Protection
- Privacy Risks and Safety in Machine Learning (PRisMa)
- Quantitative and Probabilistic QoSec in Complex HW/SW-Systems (QPSys)
- Technical Support for the Implementation of Requirements in Applications in Accordance with GDPR (TECHIRA)
- Visualization of Critical Aspects for Data Analysis and Privacy