

T.I.S.P. Seminar in Darmstadt

Information security is becoming more and more important: in order to protect electronic business processes, companies are increasingly looking for qualified employees who can prove that they are equal to the complex challenges of IT security. The TeleTrusT Information Security Professional (T.I.S.P.) is the only effective proof of this kind in Europe. ATHENE member Fraunhofer SIT offers seminars to prepare for the exam.

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05:00 pm – 06:30 pm

foundersXchange April 2025

Crashkurs Bürokratie & First Steps bei der Gründung

Die zweite Ausgabe des foundersXchange in diesem Jahr wird vom ATHENE Digital Hub Cybersecurity durchgeführt. Unter dem Motto "Crashkurs Bürokratie & First Steps bei der Gründung" widmen wir uns den wichtigsten bürokratischen Aspekten bei der Gründung. Neben spannenden Insights erwarten dich Austausch mit Expert*innen und Networking mit anderen Gründer*innen.

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T.I.S.P. Seminar in Darmstadt

Information security is becoming more and more important: in order to protect electronic business processes, companies are increasingly looking for qualified employees who can prove that they are equal to the complex challenges of IT security. The TeleTrusT Information Security Professional (T.I.S.P.) is the only effective proof of this kind in Europe. ATHENE member Fraunhofer SIT offers seminars to prepare for the exam.

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01:00 pm – 01:45 pm

CyberUp: General Data Protection Regulation - A brief overview

As part of the EDITH initiative, Fraunhofer SIT/ATHENE experts will address the most important aspects of data protection for SMEs in the 45-minute Lunch Lecture and provide helpful tips on how to protect against possible data breaches. Interested parties are cordially invited!

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T.I.S.P. Seminar in Darmstadt

Information security is becoming more and more important: in order to protect electronic business processes, companies are increasingly looking for qualified employees who can prove that they are equal to the complex challenges of IT security. The TeleTrusT Information Security Professional (T.I.S.P.) is the only effective proof of this kind in Europe. ATHENE member Fraunhofer SIT offers seminars to prepare for the exam.

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Every year, internationally recognised biometrics experts come together to exchange the latest research results, requirements and developments in biometrics. ATHENE is one of the co-organisers of the conference.

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T.I.S.P. Seminar

Information security is becoming more and more important: in order to protect electronic business processes, companies are increasingly looking for qualified employees who can prove that they are equal to the complex challenges of IT security. The TeleTrusT Information Security Professional (T.I.S.P.) is the only effective proof of this kind in Europe. ATHENE member Fraunhofer SIT offers seminars to prepare for the exam.

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