Impulse papers from the Scientific Working Group on National Cyber Security
ATHENE-Director Prof. Dr. Michael Weidner is a member of the Scientific Working Group on National Cyber Security, which has been supporting the National Cyber Security Council in its work since October of 2018. In regular intervals, the Scientific Working Group prepares impulse papers that illuminate selected topics on cybersecurity from a research perspective.

The working group has so far published the following papers:
Safety from and through machine learning (December 2020)
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Fields of action in the area IoT-Security (December 2020)
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technological sovereignity: Requirement for Cyber Security (December 2019)
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Disinformation endangers democratic will-buildung (December 2019)
The experts working for the Fraunhofer SIT Prof. Dr. Martin Steinebach and Dr. Michael Kreutzer were also involved in creating the impulse paper " Security from and through machine learning."
National Cyber Security Council
The National Cyber Security Council (Cyber-SR) established in 2011 shapes cooperation in the field of cyber security within the federal government and between the state and business . The Cyber-SR acts as a strategic advisor to the federal government and brings high-ranking representatives from the federal, state and business sectors to a table. It thus offers a suitable format for promoting the strategic topics that are important for Germany in the area of cyber security across the board.
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