
Post by ATHENE researcher on APNIC Blog: Stalloris: RPKI downgrade attack
Cybersecurity expert Prof. Haya Shulman and her team have demonstrated that RPKI deployments in the Internet are vulnerable to downgrade attacks: adversaries can disable RPKI validation exposing networks to BGP prefix hijacks attacks. Haya Shulman describes the findings and conclusions the researchers draw from their attack in her latest blog post on APNIC.
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ATHENE scientist issues new commentary on data protection
Data protection law presented in an comprehensible way – this is what a new commentary on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other data protection standards offers. Until now, there has been no work that explicitly addresses not only students and graduates of law, but also those outside the field. This gap has now been closed by the new commentary published by ATHENE researcher Dr. Annika Selzer. The data protection expert has been working intensively on questions of legal and technical data protection for more than ten years. At ATHENE, she leads projects in the research area User-centered Security and Privacy (UCSP).
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AirGuard declares war on stalkers
AirTags are small Bluetooth transmitters from Apple that people can use to quickly and easily find lost items, misplaced keys and bags. But what is intended as a help can also be used to track people unnoticed. Apple itself warns against AirTag stalking. A research-team at the Secure Mobile Networking Lab at TU Darmstadt is conducting research on this topic in ATHENE. Last year, the team published AirGuard, an app that also warns users of Android devices about unwanted AirTag tracking. Now, in a new paper, the researchers use user reports and data donations from 38,000 users to show that the app works well - and even warns faster than the Apple protection mechanism.
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Successful submissions at USENIX 2022 - fall submission
In the "fall submission" of the 31st USENIX Security Symposium, two contributions from researchers participating in ATHENE were accepted. USENIX is one of the four most important conferences in the field of security. Scientists, practitioners, system administrators and programmers from all over the world come together to share the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks.
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ATHENE Startup Award UP22@it-sa goes into the 5th round
It's that time again: The application phase for ATHENE Startup Award UP22@it-sa has started! Until July 4, young companies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland can apply for the most important startup award for startups from the German-speaking IT security sector. After the preliminary decision of the expert jury and the online pitch on the digital dialog platform it-sa 365, the award ceremony will take place at the it-sa Expo&Congress in October.
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European funding for ATHENE researchers
The ATHENE scientists Iryna Gurevych and Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, both professors of computer science at TU Darmstadt, each win one of the highly coveted ERC Advanced Grants endowed with up to 2.5 million euros for 5 years.
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CAST/GI Promotionspreis IT-Sicherheit 2022 for alumna of TU Darmstadt
As part of of the conference “GI Sicherheit 2022”, the CAST/GI Promotionspreis IT-Sicherheit 2022, was awarded for the 11th time yesterday at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Three of the four nominees were graduates of TU Darmstadt and were supervised in their dissertation by professors involved in ATHENE. The first place was awarded to Dr. Kristina Hostáková.
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Forward-looking, innovative cybersecurity solutions and founding spirit convince at final pitch in Accelerator SpeedUpSecure
Ten particularly innovative startups from all over Germany qualified for the "SpeedUpSecure" accelerator program for cybersecurity startups. From the beginning of February to the end of March, they benefited from a targeted training program and were accompanied by mentors from the business world. At the final event, the ten startups presented their young company and technology in a five-minute pitch to a top-class jury and an audience of experts. The three winning teams received prize money totaling EUR 5,000.
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US Consul General Norman Thatcher Scharpf visits ATHENE
Today, Norman Thatcher Scharpf, the new Consul General of the USA in Frankfurt am Main, and his team met with our CEO Prof, Michael Waidner and Prof. Haya Shulman, Member of the ATHENE Board, and Coordinator of our research ares Analytics Based Cybersecurity (ABC).
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Post by ATHENE researcher on APNIC Blog: Resurrection of injection attacks
In his blog post ATHENE researcher Philipp Jeitner, scientist at Fraunhofer SIT and TU Darmstadt, describes how the Domain Name System (DNS) can be exploited for injection attacks against a variety of different applications. He also shows why countermeasures aren't as easy as to apply patches to vulnerable implementations. A tool to test DNS resolver for vulnerabilities is also linked in the post.
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