

SCATMAN: A Framework for Enhancing Trustworthiness in Digital Supply Chains
Eckel, Michael; Basu, Anirban; Kai, Satoshi; Simo Fhom, Hervais-Clemence; Dukanovic, Sinisa; Birkholz, Henk; Hane, Shingo; Lieske, Matthias
International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications 2023
[Conference Paper]

Breaking the Quadratic Barrier: Quantum Cryptanalysis of Milenage, Telecommunications’ Cryptographic Backbone
Ulitzsch, Vincent Quentin; Seifert, Jean-Pierre
International Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography 2023
[Conference Paper]

faulTPM: Exposing AMD fTPMs' Deepest Secrets
Jacob, Hans Christian; Werling, Christian; Buhren, Robert; Seifert, Jean-Pierre

LAT-UP: Exposing Layout-Level Analog Hardware Trojans Using Contactless Optical Probing
Parvin, Sajjad; Goli, Mehran; Krachenfels, Thilo; Tajik, Shahin; Seifert, Jean-Pierre; Sill Torres, Frank; Drechsler, Rolf
IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI 2023
[Conference Paper]

Modulation to the Rescue: Identifying Sub-Circuitry in the Transistor Morass for Targeted Analysis
Saß, Xhani Marvin; Krachenfels, Thilo; Dermot Pustelnik, Frederik; Seifert, Jean-Pierre; Altmann, Frank
Workshop on Attacks and Solutions in Hardware Security 2023
[Conference Paper]

Poster: Longitudinal Analysis of DoS Attacks
Schulmann, Haya; Waidner, Michael; Kaiser, Fabian
Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2023
[Conference Paper]

Content-type: multipart/oracle - tapping into format oracles in email end-to-end encryption
Ising, Fabian; Poddebniak, Damian; Kappert, Tobias; Saatjohann, Christoph; Schinzel, Sebastian
USENIX Security Symposium 2023
[Conference Paper]

SeedTree: A Dynamically Optimal and Local Self-Adjusting Tree
Pourdamghani, Arash; Avin, Chen; Sama, Robert; Schmid, Stefan

Self-Adjusting Partially Ordered Lists
Addanki, Vamsi; Pacut, Maciej; Pourdamghani, Arash; Rétvári, Gabor; Schmid, Stefan; Vanerio, Juan
Conference on Computer Communications 2023
[Conference Paper]

The Case for Stochastic Online Segment Routing Under Demand Uncertainty
Boeck, Jérôme De; Fortz, Bernard; Schmid, Stefan
Networking Conference 2023
[Conference Paper]

Toward Highly Reliable Programmable Data Planes: Verification of P4 Code Generation
Csaba, Györgyi; Laki, Sándor; Schmid, Stefan
International Conference on Network Softwarization 2023
[Conference Paper]

Analyzing the Communication Clusters in Datacenters
Foerster, Klaus-Tycho; Marette, Thibault; Neumann, Stefan; Plant, Claudia; Sadikaj, Ylli; Schmid, Stefan; Velaj, Yllka
World Wide Web Conference 2023
[Conference Paper]

OpticNet: Self-Adjusting Networks for ToR-Matching-ToR Optical Switching Architectures
Caldeira, Caio A.; Souza, Otavio A. de O.; Goussevskaia, Olga; Schmid, Stefan
Conference on Computer Communications 2023
[Conference Paper]

Dynamic Demand-Aware Link Scheduling for Reconfigurable Datacenters
Hanauer, Kathrin; Henzinger, Monika; Ost, Lara; Schmid, Stefan
Conference on Computer Communications 2023
[Conference Paper]

Sinkless Orientation Made Simple
Balliu, Alkida; Korhonen, Janne H.; Kuhn, Fabian; Lievonen, Henrik; Olivetti, Dennis; Pai, Shreyas; Paz, Ami; Rybicki, Joel; Schmid, Stefan; Studený, Jan; Suomela, Jukka; Uitto, Jara
Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithms 2023
[Conference Paper]

Fraunhofer SIT at CheckThat! 2023: Can LLMs Be Used for Data Augmentation & Few-Shot Classification? Detecting Subjectivity in Text Using ChatGPT
Frick, Raphael
Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum 2023
[Conference Paper]

Sensitive and Personal Data: What Exactly Are You Talking About?
Kober, Maria; Samhi, Jordan; Arzt, Steven; Bissyandé, Tegawendé F.; Klein, Jacques
International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems 2023
[Conference Paper]

Opinion on Supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/943
Gkoktsis, George; Kreutzer, Michael; Scheel, Kirstin; Schreiber, Linda

Poster: LeMon: Global Route Leak Monitoring Service
Schulmann, Haya; Zhao, Shujie
Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Data Communication (ACM SIGCOMM Conference) 2023
[Conference Paper]

Poster: Off-Path DNSSEC Downgrade Attacks
Heftrig, Elias; Schulmann, Haya; Waidner, Michael
Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Data Communication (ACM SIGCOMM Conference) 2023
[Conference Paper]

Keep Your Friends Close, but Your Routeservers Closer: Insights into RPKI Validation in the Internet
Hlavacek, Tomas; Schulmann, Haya; Vogel, Niklas; Waidner, Michael
USENIX Security Symposium 2023

Risk Assessments in Virtual Power Plants with NESCOR Criteria, Practical Application, Advantages and Disadvantages
Gkoktsis, Georgios; Lauer, Hagen; Jäger, Lukas
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 2023
[Conference Paper]

Beyond Limits: How to Disable Validators in Secure Networks
Hlavacek, Tomas; Jeitner, Philipp; Mirdita, Donika; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Data Communication (ACM SIGCOMM Conference) 2023
[Conference Paper]

APT Detection: An Incremental Correlation Approach
Daneshgadeh Çakmakçı, Salva; Gkoktsis, Georgios; Buchta, Robin; Detken, Kai Oliver; Heine, Felix; Kleiner, Carsten
International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems - Technology Applications 2023
[Conference Paper]

Remote Attestation with Constrained Disclosure
Eckel, Michael; George, Dominik Roy; Grohmann, Björn; Krauß, Christoph
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2023
[Conference Paper]

Secure and Lightweight Over-the-Air Software Update Distribution for Connected Vehicles
Plappert, Christian; Fuchs, Andreas
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2023
[Conference Paper]

Secure and Lightweight ECU Attestations for Resilient Over-the-Air Updates in Connected Vehicles
Plappert, Christian; Fuchs, Andreas
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2023
[Conference Paper]

Queen of Swords at Touché 2023. Intra-Multilingual Multi-Target Stance Classification using BERT
Schäfer, Karla
Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum 2023
[Conference Paper]

Fraunhofer SIT at CheckThat! 2023: Enhancing the Detection of Multimodal and Multigenre Check-Worthiness Using Optical Character Recognition and Model Souping
Frick, Raphael; Vogel, Inna; Choi, Jeong-Eun
Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum 2023
[Conference Paper]

Transparency in Messengers. A Metadata Analysis Based on the Example of Telegram
Schäfer, Karla; Choi, Jeong-Eun
Conference on Hypertext and Social Media 2023
[Conference Paper]