14th International Conference Business Informatics
Prof. Christian Reuter is co-organizer of the track "Crisis and Continuity Management"
At the International Conference Business Information Systems 2019 (Wi) there are many exciting scientific tracks on topical topics. Prof. Christian Reuter, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, leads together with Prof. Stefan Stieglitz, University of Duisburg-Essen and Dr. Marén Schorch, University of Siegen, the track "Crisis and Continuity Management".

Modern, sophisticated and digitized societies depend on infrastructures, especially in the sectors concerning energy and health, but also in information technology and telecommunications. The reliability of these infrastructures is crucial for the protection of the population and the economy. Threats occur in the form of infrastructure disruptions and defaults by criminal acts, terrorist attacks or in the context of interstate conflicts as well as by natural events, breakdowns and system errors. If possible, critical infrastructures should be protected by preventive measures that minimize the likelihood of damage. Both prevention and preparation with regard to the residual risk must be weighed up economically within the framework of the legal provisions by both private and public operators.
As a result, general preparation for a potential crisis situation is often not optimal. Many actors rely on an assumed sense of security, which is generated by statistically low probability of occurrence and intensive, visible preventive measures. For example, the likelihood of power outages in Western Europe is relatively low; In recent years, the average network downtime in Germany has been only a few minutes per year. According to the Vulnerability Paradox, the effects on differentiated organizational structures, which use robust and complex technologies to ensure a high level of security of supply, are particularly high. If the high security standards are not sufficient in individual cases and the usual high security of supply can no longer be guaranteed, critical cascade effects and high costs often result consequential damages.
This track discusses crisis and continuity management and calls for papers dealing with topics related to ICT in crisis management, information security, safety-critical human-computer interaction and business continuity management.
- IKT in crisis management, critical business processes, shitstorms, social media analytics, social media as a communication channel during crises, terror, situation presentation, use of new technologies and data sources (smart products, drones), crowd approaches, volunteer coordination
- ecurity Management, Usable Security, Security Critical Human-Computer Interaction, Information Security, Data Protection, Privacy
- (Business) Continuity Management, BCM Systems, Transitions, Resilient Digitalization, Critical (IT) Infrastructures, Service Design, Service Level, System Interoperability
The Wi 2019 will take place from 24. - 27.02.2019 in Siegen.
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