ATHENE launches German-Israeli research cooperation on cyber security in the energy sector
ATHENE and the Israeli Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure of the State of Israel are launching a three-year collaborative research program in which researchers from Israeli universities will work with ATHENE researchers to develop solutions to cybersecurity problems in the energy sector. For an initial period of three years, the Israeli Ministry of Energy is funding researchers from Israeli universities to work with ATHENE researchers to lay the foundations for improving cybersecurity in the energy sector. The initial focus will be on the development of new, practical architectures for a more cyber resilient energy supply, the development of methods for detecting attacks at all levels of the energy sector, and the development of methods for defending against denial-of-service attacks against the energy sector.

A joint workshop of the participating researchers from Israel and Germany, organised by ATHENE and the German Energy Agency (dena), is taking place today at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main to launch the research cooperation. Led by ATHENE scientist Prof. Haya Schulmann, more than 40 people from German and Israeli research, industry and politics will meet to discuss problems and possible solutions.
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