ATHENE-Scientist are strengthening the Data sovereignity in the financial sector
With Prof. Mira Mezini, Prof. Carsten Binnnig and Prof. Kristian Kersting, three ATHENE-Scientists from the Technical University of Darmstadt are part of the new project SafeFBDC, which is funded as part of the AI-innovation competition of the Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy (BMWi).

The main goal of SafeFBDC is the development of a Financial Big Data Cluster (FBDC) to secure the data sovereignty in the financial sector. The cloud-based financial data platform provides bundles of data from different sources and suitable AI-tools in order to evaluate the financial data.
The core of the project is the development of new AI-based concepts, reference data models and data analysis process as well as the final evaluation along five application scenarios from the financial industry. The TechQuartier Frankfurt as project coordinator and the Hessian Ministry of Economic Affairs recently announced further details on the SafeFBDC project.
SafeFBDC is also an essential part of the European GAIA-X initiative, a project to build a secure and trustworthy data infrastructure in Europe. The Federal Ministry of Economics is funding the development of SafeFBDC with around ten millions euros. The Technical University of Darmstadt has a share of around 1.7. Million euros in the overall project.
The implementation of the financial data platform requires new, scalable and trustworthy mechanisms for the use and evaluation of data in the financial sector.
Here the three ATHENE scientists Prof. Mira Mezini, Prof. Carsten Binnig and Prof. Kristian Kersting bring their expertise to the SafeFDBC project.
Report of the Technical University of Darmstadt