ATHENE scientist issues new commentary on data protection
Data protection law presented in an comprehensible way – this is what a new commentary on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other data protection standards offers. Until now, there has been no work that explicitly addresses not only students and graduates of law, but also those outside the field. This gap has now been closed by the new commentary published by ATHENE researcher Dr. Annika Selzer. The data protection expert has been working intensively on questions of legal and technical data protection for more than ten years. At ATHENE, she leads projects in the research area User-centered Security and Privacy (UCSP).

"Data Protection Law - A Commentary for Studies and Practice" is therefore aimed at students of all fields of study who are involved in data protection law, as well as employees in marketing and sales, works councils, personnel managers and recruiters and other professional groups who have to deal with data protection law issues in their everyday work. A total of 21 authors have commented on 600 pages, which is short and compact for a legal commentary. "The aim was to pick up the readers of our commentary at the most important points," Annika Selzer explains the approach. "There is only the commentary that is relevant for practice or study." The legal history of individual regulations, for example, was explicitly not included in the commentary. The commentary covers the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Parts 1 and 2 of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) as well as the data protection-relevant excerpts from the Works Constitution Act (BetrVG), the Act on Copyright and Related Rights (KunstUrhG) and the Act against Unfair Competition (UWG).
The book is i.a. available here:
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