ATHENE Scientists Included in Program Committee of ACM CCS 2021
Prof.Thomas Schneider from TU Darmstadt has been accepted into the Program Committee of this year's ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS for short) for the Applied Cryptography track. The ACM CCS is the world's largest academic conference on communications security and cybersecurity (CCS).

Further information in German.
Sie ist Flaggschiff-Konferenz der Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control (SIGSAC) der Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Die Konferenz bringt Informationssicherheitsforscher, -praktiker, -entwickler und -anwender aus der ganzen Welt zusammen, um neueste Ideen und Ergebnisse zu erforschen.
Prof. Thomas Schneider leitet die Cryptography and Privacy Engineering Group (ENCRYPTO) an der TU Darmstadt.
ACM CCS 2021 findet vom 14. - 19. November 2021 statt.
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