ATHENE scientists place paper at ASIA CCS 2023
The paper, "Benchmarking the Benchmarks," written by ATHENE researchers, was accepted at the Core A-ranked 18th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security. In the paper, the researchers took a closer look at the benchmarks researchers use to evaluate a security vulnerability or data leak they have found, for example.

In their paper, they describe an approach to testing the most widely used benchmarks for correctness and consistency. In their research, they found that many benchmarks are not a good basis for evaluating research approaches. Instead, statements made about new research findings in many publications based on these benchmarks should be critiqued.
The accepted paper is:
Benchmarking the Benchmarks
Authors: Marc Miltenberger, Steven Arzt, Philipp Holzinger, Julius Näumann, all Fraunhofer SIT & ATHENE
ACM ASIA CCS 2023 will take place from July 10 - 14 in Melbourne, Australia.
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