Award Ceremony CAST IT Security Award 2021
Studentin der Hochschule erhält den ersten Platz in der Kategorie Masterarbeiten
The CAST IT Security Award was presented for the 21st time a few days ago. Reviewers from CAST e.V. had looked through all the submissions in advance and assessed their quality. On this basis, a total of eight authors were nominated for the finalist workshop. Pia Bauspieß from Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences won among the Master's theses. Her thesis was written in the Biometric and Internet-Security Research Group at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, led by ATHENE researcher Prof. Christoph Busch.

Among the 8 finalists were three works by students from Darmstadt. The works were supervised by the TU Darmstadt and the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt respectively.
The award-winning works of the Darmstadt finalists are:
Master's thesis category
1st place for Pia Bauspieß (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences), title of thesis: Privacy-Preserving Preselection for Workload Reduction in Protected Biometric Identification System
5th place for Andreas Bäuml (TU Darmstadt), title of thesis: A Framework to Enhance User Security and Privacy in Radiometric WiFi Fingerprinting
Category Bachelor Theses
2nd place for Tobias Kröll (TU Darmstadt), title of thesis: ARIstoteles: iOS Baseband Interface Protocol Research
To the press release of CAST e.V.
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