Conference on Security and Peace Research celebrates its Premiere in Darmstadt
Prof. Christian Reuter is General Chair der Science Peace Security ´19
The Conference on the Perspectives of Scientific and Technical Peace and Security Research will take place in Darmstadt for the first time in 2019. Prof. Dr. Christian Reuter, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, organizes the conference together with IANUS (Interdisciplinary Working Group for Science, Technology and Security), FONAS (Research Association for Science, Disarmament and International Security) and the DFG Collaborative Research Center CROSSING.

Scientific discoveries and technical innovations have always exerted a great influence on peace and security. New civil and military methods are revolutionizing warfare. This is particularly evident in topics that have been controversially discussed by the general public, such as the so-called "cyberwar" or the rapid development dynamics of unmanned weapon systems. Issues of nuclear disarmament, missile defense or space armament are still unresolved.
The aim of the conference is to identify today's and tomorrow's peace and security challenges and to show what contribution research can make to solving and managing them. A look into the future is complemented by an inventory of past successes, but also the difficulties of this practical research.
The conference will be devided into 3 tracks:
- IT/Cyberwar/Cyberpeace (Chair: Prof. Christian Reuter, TU Darmstadt)
- Control and Disarmament of Nuclear Weapons (Chair: Prof. Malte Göttsche, RWTH Aachen University)
- Biological / chemical weapons (Chair: Dr. Mirko Himmel, University of Hamburg)
Scientific papers, lectures, posters and workshops for the Science Peace Security can be submitted until April 1st 2019. The papers will be published after the conference in a special issue.
Weitere Informationen:
Conferenzwebsite der Science Peace Security
Researchgroup PEASEC lead by Prof. Christian Reuter
DFG-Sonderforschunsgbereich CROSSING
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