Digitaler Salon: LANgelegt!!!
Discussion round with Dr. Haya Shulman
Dr. Haya Shulman, Fraunhofer SIT, attends the event "Digital Salon: LANgelegt", organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG). She discusses how secure our data networks are against the blackout and which alternative infrastructures exist. Interested personss can communicate their opinions before, during and after the program directly on the web or via social media.

The internet is gone and nothing works anymore: Normally you are back on the internet, but what happens if not? No internet WhatsApp, Facebook and Amazon. But it gets even worse: In a short time the entire infrastructure breaks down and our basic services as well. A world in which chaos reigns? How dangerous is this state of disaster and are we prepared for such an emergency? How safe are our data networks against the blackout and what are the alternative infrastructures?
Moderator Katja Weber discusses these questions with:
Jan Menzner, Blackout-Doku for Y-Kollektiv, freelance journalist and photographer
Haya Shulman, Head of Department Cybersecurity Analytics and Defences, Fraunhofer SIT
Matthias Wählisch, Professor und Leader of the Workingroup Internet-Technoloy, FU Berlin
Kai Gärtner, Project Manager and former Civil Protection Officer (Systemadmin) at HIIG, will introduce the topic.
The Digital Salon takes place every last Wednesdayin Berlin and discusses different questions. He opens his doors at 18:30. From 19:00 clock the show will be broadcast live on No registration is required.
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