Evangelical Student Community Darmstadt deals with the Influence of Digitization on our Democracy
Lecture by Prof. Johannes Buchmann
CRISP spokesman Prof. Johannes Buchmann, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, deals with questions such as: Are elections and opinions still free or are we being manipulated by social bots, fake news and other digital techniques? Will political decisions be made in the future by inscrutable algorithms instead of democratic majorities? Are such decisions perhaps even better for our prosperity?

Digitalisation is in full swing and is changing our society and economy. Countless people use smartphones and social networks. This huge amounts of data are collected and evaluated with artificial intelligence. This has influences on politics. First there was great optimism: digitization strengthens democracy - for example in the Arab Spring, which would not have been possible without Facebook. But in the interim, skepticism prevails, which is reflected in the above-mentioned questions.
The lecture will take place on Thursday, November 1st from 19:00 to 20:30 in the group room of the ESG | Alexanderstr. 35 | Darmstadt.