Faculty day Informatics: Best Master Thesis 2018 goes to a student of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Another success for the CRISP research group of the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
Benedikt-Alexander Mokroß, a student at University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, is honored by the faculty day of informatics (FBTI) in 2018 for the best masterthesis. He completed his masterthesis on "Efficient biometric identification in large-scale Palmvein databases" in the da/sec working group of the department of informatics. Supervisors were the CRISP scientists Prof. Christoph Busch and Pawel Drozdowski and Prof. Christoph Wentzel. The award ceremony took place on 08.10.2018 as part of the annual meeting of the FBTI in Wernigerode.

The faculty day of informatics (FBTI) represents more than 60 informatics departments and faculties at universities of applied sciences and polytechnics. It awards prizes annually for outstanding theses in three categories (Bachelor, Master, PhD). The award is associated with a prize of 1000 EUR.
The CRISP research group da/sec at the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt has been successful in the past with winning the awards of the FBTI. For example, in 2017 Lorenz Liebler received the award for the best masterthesis and Frank Breitinger 2015 received the award for the best dissertation.
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