Fraunhofer CyberStar Award
New award for excellent graduates in cybersecurity in Israel
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has launched the Fraunhofer CyberStar Award, which honors excellent achievements by Israeli graduates in the field of applied cybersecurity.

The award promotes excellent graduates in applied cyber security, creates career opportunities and provides role models to motivate and encourage the next generation of young scientists. The award publicly acknowledges the outstanding academic achievements of the winners, enhances their footprint and helps them to grow and promote their research. Graduates and students with relevant recent results are encouraged to apply for this prize, which will offer them the opportunity to present and discuss their work with scientists, engineers, network operators, policy makers and government officials in Israel and in Germany.
The winners receive a cash prize of 5,000 USD for PhD thesis and 1,000 USD for Master thesis.
Application deadline runs from September 1st to December 15th, 2019.