Fraunhofer ICT Dissertation Award 2018 goes to CRISP-Researcher
Dr. Steven Arzt, Fraunhofer SIT, has been awarded for his Dissertation
This years first price of the Fraunhofer ICT Dissertation Award goes to Dr. Steven Arzt, Fraunhofer SIT, for his dissertation "Static Data Flow Analysis for Android Applications". In his work he presents techniques for static data flow analysis, which are able to efficiently analyse big amounts of code, even binary code, of real Android apps.

The FlowDroid tool that has been developed for this dissertation precisely and almost completely extracts data fow of popular apps like Facebook, PayPal or LinkedIn. FlowDroid enables the user be informed about the data usage of an app before he installs it, thus increasing the digital sovereignty of the user. Before trusting their data to an app, the user can see which data will be extracted from the device and made available for third parties. The tool is an open source project and is freely available for other scientist and the public alike.
Besides identifying problems concering the security of privacy and data leaks, FlowDroid can be applied to all other problems that are in need of a static data flow analysis. Hence a lot of current research projects in differing fields incorporate FlowDroid already.
Since 2015 the ICT Disseration Award is offered annualy as a reward within the network. A jury awards outstanding dissertations of the Fraunhofer Institutes, which deal with noteworthy innovative developments and technologies in computer science, mathematics or related areas. The award is traditionally presented by the networks chairman at the annual conference of the Society for Computer Science in autumn and is endowed with 5000 Euro, 3000 Euro and 2000 Euro for the first three winnners respectively.
Abstract of the Dissertation of Dr. Steven Arzt
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