GDNÄ elects representative for Board of Management
Prof. Johannes Buchmann is elected expert representative for the subject group Computer Science / Mathematics
Every two years, members of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte e. V. (GDNÄ) elect one expert each in the disciplines of chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, mathematics and engineering. The representatives to be elected are proposed by the Board of Management and elected to the Board of Directors for a term of four years in a written procedure. CRISP spokesman Prof. Johannes Buchmann, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, was elected as a representative for the subject group computer science / mathematics for the term 2019-2022.

The Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte e. V (GDNÄ) is the oldest German scientific association. It was founded in 1822 by the natural philosopher and physician Lorenz Oken. The name of the GDNÄ has been preserved from this time, then the unusual name "Naturforscher" was used for the profession of natural researchers. The GDNÄ is the only scientific society in Germany that is open to membership across the scientific, technical and medical disciplines of all interested parties, including pupils, students and naturalistic lay people. In this respect, the GDNÄ complements and enriches the landscape of scientific societies in Germany characterized by academies and professional societies.
Goals of the GDNÄ include:
- Promotion of scientific exchange beyond the boundaries of scientific, technical and medical disciplines
- Imparting the fascination and meaning of scientific knowledge to an interested public
- Promotion of science-technical education and training
Important scientists like Alexander von Humboldt, Werner von Siemens, Albert Einstein, Max Planck or Werner Heisenberg e.g. shaped the society and its meetings from the very beginning. In recent times, numerous renowned scientists have been committed to the GDNÄ, Hubert Markl, Joachim Treusch, Detlev Ganten and Ernst Ludwig Winnacker are mentioned. 2007 and 2008 Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard held the presidency. She was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1995.
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