iBlockchain Kick-off Meeting
Use blockchain technologies efficiently and safely for industrial applications
CRISP researchers from the TU Darmstadt and other partners from industry and research form a consortium to develop decentralized technologies for the next generation of intelligent industrial production. The research project called iBlockchain is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

The aim of the research project is to decentralize today's central, proprietary platform approaches by using blockchain technology to federated structures, which ensure cooperative and trustworthy cooperation of different actors. In the Industry 4.0 environment, for example, such structures enable fully automated and autonomous production within the framework of so-called "smart factories".
With Prof. Sebastian Faust, Prof. Mira Mezini and Prof. Ahmad Sadeghi three working groups from TU Darrmstadt are working around on secure and scalable hardware, software and network infrastructure for blockchain-based distributed systems.
In addition to the TU Darmstadt, the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and industrial partners Bosch, Brainbot and NXP are involved in iBlockchain.
More information about iBlockchain can be found on the website of the BMBF.