In the media: ATHENE researcher talks crisis-proof infrastructures
Interview in “alles wissen” at Hessischer Rundfunk
How crisis-proof are our digital infrastructures? The Hessischer Rundfunk programme “alles wissen” investigates this question. Prof. Matthias Hollick, head of the project EmergenCITY at the TU Darmstadt, says, “I don’t think that there are many catastrophes waiting to happen. On the other hand, we are indeed endangered by catastrophes at any time.” He continues that especially the Covid-19 crisis shows how crises can emerge out of nowhere and require learning proper handling amidst such a crisis.

According to Prof. Hollick, head of the specialised field Secure Mobile Networking (SEEMOO) at the TU Darmstadt, the application of technologies has proven to be successful:” Information and communication technology has helped us as a society to cope relatively well with this situation.” At the same time, according to Hollick, it has to be made clear that “if our networks had not performed this well, we would have had to deal with a dramatic issue.”
Programme “alles wissen” (German) from 26 November 2020
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