Informatik 2019
Contributions from CRISP researchers at the traditional event
The 49th GI Annual Conference INFORMATIK 2019 brings together computer scientists from academia, research institutes and industry to discuss current developments, make new contacts and plan joint activities. CRISP researchers Prof. Christoph Krauß and Dr. Juliane Krämer are Co-Chairs in different tracks.

Christoph Krauß, Professor at the University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt und Head of Department at the Fraunhofer SIT, is CO-Chair of the track "Digitalisierung des Energiesystems".
Dr. Juliane Krämer at the TU Darmstadt is Co-Chair of the track "Sicherheit, Zuverlässigkeit, Korrektheit".
Several papers written by CRISP researchers will be presented at Informatik 2019, including:
Automatisierte Analyse Radikaler Inhalte im Internet
Authors: Inna Vogel, Martin Steinebach and Roey Regev
Herausforderungen für die Anonymisierung von Daten
Authors: Christian Winter, Verena Battis, Oren Halvani
Quotable Signatures using Merkle Trees
Authors: Michael Kreutzer, Ruben Niederhagen, Kris Shrishak, Hervais Simo Fhom
Resilience in Security and Crises through Adaptions and Transitions
Authors: Timo Kalle, Marc-André Kaufhold, Franz Kuntke, Christian Reuter, Amr Rizk, Ralf Steinmetz
The Practice Turn in IT Security – An Interdisciplinary Approach
Authors: Laura Kocksch, Andreas Poller
Verwendung computergenerierter Kinderpornografie zu Ermittlungszwecken im Darknet
Authors: Sandra Wittmer, Martin Steinebach
On the occasion of the 50th birthday of the Gesellschaft für Informatik, the conference motto is: 50 years Gesellschaft für Informatik – Informatik für Gesellschaft.
Informatik 2019 will take place in Kassel from September 23 to 26.
Information about program and registration