Innovations for more Cyber Security
Closing event of the second HIPA round
The second round of the Hessian-Israeli Partnership Accelerator (HIPA) was concluded with a final event on the panorama floor of the Commerzbank headquarters in Frankfurt/Main. Three German-Israeli teams presented their research results to around 80 guests from international politics and the financial and cyber security sectors, including Sandra Simovich, Consul General of the State of Israel, Dr. Stefan Heck, State Secretary in the Hessian Ministry of the Interior, and Jörg Hessenmüller, COO and member of the Board of Managing Directors of Commerzbank AG.

During the twelve-week program, the teams with participants from both countries developed solution approaches for the security of 5G networks, for protection against fraudulent e-mails (CEO fraud) and for securing Internet infrastructures. The newest Fraunhofer developments complemented the teams’ presentations, including a tool for the automated analysis of software code, various multimedia forensics tools and new protection mechanisms for the Internet domain name system. As in the first round of the accelerator, the research partners of the program were Allianz and Cisco.
The Hessian-Israeli Partnership Accelerator HIPA is the only bilateral program of its kind focusing on cyber security. The program is a joint activity of the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT in Darmstadt and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (HUJI) in Israel. The project teams consist of cyber security talents from both countries who jointly develop solutions for current problems in everyday business life. The participants attend workshops in Jerusalem and Darmstadt, gain insights into the start-up culture of both countries and learn marketing and entrepreneurship basics. This year, they also completed a cyber range training program lasting several days.
The next round will start in spring 2020 under the new name German Israeli Partnership Accelerator (GIPA), applications may already be submitted. Further information on the program can be found at
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