IV. Frank-Schirrmacher-Forum
Prof. Christian Reuter examines human-computer interaction in safety-critical systems from an ethical point of view
Christian Reuter, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, is speaking at the IV. Frank Schirrmacher Forum on November 13, 2018 about „Mensch-Computer-Interaktion in sicherheitskritischen Systemen – eine ethische Bewertung“ (Human-computer interaction in safety-critical systems - an ethical evaluation). This time the centre of this series of events, which is organized by the Protestant City Academy Darmstadt, is the question of the human in the age of digitality.

Computer scientists, philosophers, journalists and theologians present different perspectives on the topic over five evenings and discuss with the forum. The IV. Frank Schirrmacher Forum wants to follow the lead of the discourse to gain differentiated criteria and standards for testing and assessment. The focus will be on the question of humans and citizens in the digital city.
The lecture of Prof. Christian Reuter will take place on Tuesday, 13.11.2018 from 18:30 to 21:00. Venue: Das Offene Haus |Rheinstr. 31 | Darmstadt
Information about the Event on 13.11.2018
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