Medientage München
CRISP-Scientist speaks on the topic of "Cyberattacken, Fake News, Hatespeech & Co."
At the MEDIENTAGE-Exhibition TV- and radio provider, online and mobile media, technology provider and inter-trade organizations are presenting themselves. The main themes of the exhibition range from Digital Broadcasting and Publishing to Games, Radio & Audio, Smart TV, Streaming, Video on Demand and much more. Prof. Martin Steinebach of Fraunhofer SIT speaks on the topic of "Cyberattacken, Fake News, Hatespeech & Co. - Die Medienwirtschaft als kritische (gesellschaftliche) Infrastruktur".
What happens when you have to go off air, because the in-house access to your own systems is no longer possible? Cyber attacks on TV stations such as TV5 Monde are the first shocking examples. Not only the technical protection against cyber attacks, but also the protection against false information for instance online hate propaganda are important pillars for the preservation of the liberal democratic constitutional structure, which is to be stabilized by legislative initiatives. The panel addresses the question, how strong the defensive forces of the media sector actually are on a technical and regulatory scale based on current information and if unwanted side effects, for example for the freedom of speech, are possible.
The Medientage München take place from 24.-26.10.2017 in Munich.
Annoucnement of the speech by Dr. Martin Steinebach
Information about the program and registration
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