New center for applied cyber security research in Heilbronn
On 1 January 2025, Fraunhofer, in cooperation with the Dieter Schwarz Foundation, will open a total of eight research and innovation centers on the Heilbronn education campus. Among them is the Fraunhofer SIT and thus also ATHENE: We are responsible for the new Fraunhofer Heilbronn Research and Innovation Center for Cybersecurity as one of the eight new research and innovation centers and as a new research department within Fraunhofer SIT.

The work there will be dedicated to the topic of ‘Enterprise Security’. Within the next 10 years, the team is expected to grow to at least 50 scientific staff within the next 10 years.
Read more in the press release
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The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft will expand its activities in Heilbronn significantly with funding from the Dieter Schwarz Foundation. From left to right: Prof. Holger Hanselka (President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft) Prof. Reinhold Geilsdörfer (Managing Director of the Dieter Schwarz Foundation) and Prof. Wilhelm Bauer (Director of Fraunhofer IAO).