
Best Paper Award for ATHENE researchers at the IEEE VizSec

ATHENE researchers of the Fraunhofer IGD were awarded the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec) for their publication "A Visualization Interface to Improve the Transparency of Collected Personal Data on the Internet". In their paper, the researchers* deal with the problem that Internet users lose track of the data they disclose and store due to the multitude of online services. The prototype they developed, TransparencyVis, supports users in gaining better control over their own data. Via, users can upload exports from Facebook, Google, Instagram and Twitter simultaneously or individually and explore them interactively.

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ATHENE researchers contribute to new BMBF project CYWARN

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) launches its support for consortium project “Strategie- und Technologie-Entwicklung zur medienübergreifenden Erstellung eines Cyber-Lagebilds und akteurspezifischen Kommunikation von Cyber-Warnmeldungen“, CYWARN, from 1 October set to last for 3 years, with 2 million euros. ATHENE researcher Prof Christian Reuter, head of the chair for Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC), will coordinate the joint between partners in research, development and application.

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Best Paper Award for ATHENE researchers at ARES 2020

Oren Halvani, Lukas Graner and Roey Regev of the Fraunhofer SIT received the Best Paper Award at the Workshop Digital Forensics (WSDF2020) during the ARES conference 2020.
In their paper TAVeer – An Interpretable Topic-Agnostic Authorship Verification Method, they introduced an authorship verification process (AV) that reviews and verifies whether a specified person has in fact written an anonymous letter or rather confirms whether a text actually stems from the stated author. This is relevant for cases in suspicion of plagiarism for example.

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APNIC blog discusses the recent proposal of ATHENE researchers to distribute the power of RPKI authorities

Internet infrastructure is still very vulnerable. Security enhancements such as Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) and Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) are based on cryptographic signatures. While private keys should theoretically be held by the owners of domains and Internet name resources, they are outsourced to centralised authorities in practice. This bearsconsiderable security risks.
In his post, ATHENE researcher Kris Shrishak, TU Darmstadt, proposes a change to RPKI that will strengthen the threat model and prevent unilateral takedown of IP prefixes by Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).

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ATHENE researcher becomes part of ProProfessur promotion program

ATHENE researcher Dr Juliane Krämer of the TU Darmstadt was admitted to the subsidy program ProProfessur by Mentoring Hessen. The program supports and backs advanced researchers on their way to professorship.

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How secure is Machine Learning?

The value of security and privacy in machine learning approaches has been investigated by researchers of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC, the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT, the National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE and the Freie Universität Berlin in a joined study. Participants who work professionally or personally with machine learning approaches are still needed for the research project.

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ATHENE researchers at TU Darmstadt discover weaknesses in WLAN and Bluetooth chips

The ATHENE researchers Prof. Matthias Hollick and Dr. -Ing. Jiska Classen from the TU Darmstadt, cooperating with and Prof. Francesco Gringoli from the University of Brescia, Italy, have discovered vulnerabilities in chips that have not been given much attention by IT security research so far. The three IT security experts were able to show that hacker attacks via Bluetooth can escalate to the point where the damage transcends the original spot of occurrence and affects other areas.

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Making cyber-risks measurable

Since July, the LocateRisk project led by Lukas Baumann and his team has received a sum of 0.73 million euros through the BMBF subsidy program StartUpSecure. The existing startup wants to expand its project for its analytic system that evaluates attacking risks for businesses, and aims to provide small and medium-sized businesses with affordable alternatives to complicated, high-cost manual security audits. This innovative business venture does not only portray security risks within their own business, but it also initially monitors any available data of third parties, for example external service providers or business partners.

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ATHENE researcher joins BMBF project “Scale4Edge”

Following the announcement of the BMBF platform “ZuSE” (“Zukunftsfähige Spezialprozessoren und Entwicklungsplattformen”), three more projects launched recently, including “Scale4Edge”, in which ATHENE researcher Prof Andreas Koch represents the TU Darmstadt as one of the applicants.

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„Proof of Concept“ grant for ATHENE researcher

Prof Jan Peters of the TU Darmstadt has been awarded with a “Proof of Concept” grant in the amount of 150.000 Euro by the European Research Council (ERC). He received the prize for his project “AssemblySkills”, which aims to provide robots with the skill of autonomous learning using Artificial Intelligence.

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