
Introduction of ATHENE

The National Research Center for Applied Cybesecurity (formerly CRISP) has been renamed ATHENE. During a visit to Darmstadt, Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek and Hessian Minister of Science Angela Dorn learned about the new research center and the challenges of cybersecurity, which will be addressed by the research and solutions developed by ATHENE.

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Deutscher IT-Sicherheitspreis 2020 open for submissions

The Deutscher IT-Sicherheitspreis of the Horst Görtz Stiftung will be awarded for the 8th time in 2020. With 200.000 EURO in total, it is the largest monetary award for cybersecurity and privacy in Germany. Registration is possible as of now. The donors are looking for innovation which has a high potential for commercial exploitation and proves how cybersecurity made in Germany can have an impact on the market.

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Cyber Range Training

The next real attack shows how well your IT team is prepared for an emergency - or a day on a cyber range, a hyper-realistic attack simulation. Here, IT teams can be put into realistic attack situations, the team behavior in stressful situations can be tested and security competencies can be improved. Fraunhofer SIT combines one of the world's leading simulation platforms with current research results and innovative start-up ideas to a new type of training program - the Fraunhofer Cyber Range.

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Hessian Research Award goes to Prof. Christoph Busch

This year, the Hessian Research Award of the Universities of Applied Sciences (HAW) goes to the ATHENE researcher Prof. Christoph Busch at the Darmstadt University of Applied Siences. State Secretary of the Hessian Ministry of Science, Ayse Asar, presented him with the € 12,500 prize on Tuesday, October 29, honoring him for his outstanding achievements in application-oriented research.

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CRISP is represented in the "Nationaler Pakt Cybersicherheit"

At today's Digital Summit in Dortmund, the "Nationaler Pakt Cybersicherheit" was officially launched. To further promote trusting cooperation between the state, industry, science and civil society in raising awareness of the dangers of cyberspace is one of the project goals. CRISP researcher Prof. Mira Mezini at the TU Darmstadt represents the group science in the "quadriga", which accompanies the initiative and supports it with publicity. Together with three other representatives from industry, civil society and the state, she gives the initiative a face to the outside world.

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Kick off for project QuantumRISC: Cryptography for the car of the future

Dr. Michael Meister, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, presented the approval decision for the QuantumRISC project to the Fraunhofer SIT today. The project deals with how future embedded systems - especially in the car of the future - can be secured by cryptography, even against attacks with quantum computers. Project partners are Continental, Elektrobit, the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, the Darmstadt MTG AG, the Ruhr University Bochum, the TU Darmstadt and the Fraunhofer SIT, which leads the project.

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Serious vulnerabilities in TwitterKit for iOS

The TwitterKit for iOS 3.4.2, which uses numerous apps to communicate with Twitter, has serious security holes that can lead to identity theft, account abuse and data loss. This was discovered by CRISP researchers at the Fraunhofer SIT in Darmstadt.

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Best Paper Award for CRISP-researchers at ESORICS 2019

CRISP researchers Jacqueline Brendel, Marc Fischlin and Felix Günther at the TU Darmstadt received the Best Paper Award for their paper Breakdown Resilience of Key Exchange Protocols: NewHope, TLS 1.3, and Hybrids at the European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, shortly ESORICS 2019 ".

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Best Paper Award for CRISP-researchers at ESORICS 2019

CRISP researchers Jacqueline Brendel, Marc Fischlin and Felix Günther at the TU Darmstadt received the Best Paper Award for their paper Breakdown Resilience of Key Exchange Protocols: NewHope, TLS 1.3, and Hybrids at the European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, shortly ESORICS 2019 ".

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ATHENE researchers introduce new tool for automated software analysis at it-sa

Software errors and security holes can cause billions of dollars in damage, ruin a company's reputation, and in the worst case, endange people's security. That's why ATHENE researchers at the Fraunhofer SIT have developed VUSC - the code scanner. VUSC - short for Vulnerability Scanner - helps companies and developers  to locate vulnerabilities in third-party codes in minutes.

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