
APNIC blog discusses the recent proposal of ATHENE researchers to distribute the power of RPKI authorities

Internet infrastructure is still very vulnerable. Security enhancements such as Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) and Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) are based on cryptographic signatures. While private keys should theoretically be held by the owners of domains and Internet name resources, they are outsourced to centralised authorities in practice. This bearsconsiderable security risks.
In his post, ATHENE researcher Kris Shrishak, TU Darmstadt, proposes a change to RPKI that will strengthen the threat model and prevent unilateral takedown of IP prefixes by Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).

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How secure is Machine Learning?

The value of security and privacy in machine learning approaches has been investigated by researchers of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security AISEC, the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT, the National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity ATHENE and the Freie Universität Berlin in a joined study. Participants who work professionally or personally with machine learning approaches are still needed for the research project.

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Counter-espionage solution for eavesdropping devices Alexa & Co.

Together with partners from the U.S. and France, an ATHENE research team with members from the TU Darmstadt has developed a device that can detect Smart Home devices that stream audio recordings on the Internet without permission via language assistance.

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Colour barcode in its way to becoming ISO standardised

The JAB Code, developed by ATHENE researchers at the Fraunhofer SIT, is on its way to becoming ISO standardised internationally. JAB Code – Just Another Bar Code – is meant to be ISO-standard by 2022. Thanks to the globally unified regulations for data formats and their applied usage, device manufacturers as well as operator businesses will receive planning security for innovative inventions – an important prerequisite for a successful distribution of the JAB Code in the industry.

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Study on Risk Cultures and Social Media Use in Emergencies

The members of the research group “PEASEC – Science and Technology for Peace and Security” lead by ATHENE researcher Prof Christian Reuter at the TU Darmstadt have published a European study with the topic: “The impact of risk cultures: Citizens’ perception of social media use in emergencies across Europe”. The study was conducted in cooperation with the University of Siegen and the Tavistock Institute (London) and had initially been published in the journal Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Now, it has also been published as an article by the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance.

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Security check for the Corona App

Within this context, researchers of the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT and the Technische Universität Darmstadt have been collaborating on the analysis of data security and IT security related features during the app development process by SAP and Telekom

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Digital passport photos only from now on

A few days ago, the German Federal Government ratified a law for more security concerning identification documents: going forward, for every new passport or identification card application, a digital passport photo has to be submitted. This is meant to make the process more forgery-proof. However, there is still a remaining risk, since frauds have discovered a new trick to elude border controls with fake identities: the so-called face-morphing, a method which enables the combination and superimposition of two faces over one another to create a new picture, which then strongly resembles two people at the same time. ATHENE researchers of the Fraunhofer IGD and the Hochschule Darmstadt are currently occupied with the detection, discovery and identification of face-morphing attacks, searching for solutions to make biometric passport photos more secure and unforgeable.

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White Paper "Auswahl und Nutzung web­ba­sier­ter Kom­muni­kations­dienste in Zeiten von Corona"

The recent corona pandemic has inspired many businesses to utilize web based communication tools for webinars, video conferences and matchmaking services in order to provide at-home communication and advanced training opportunities for their employees working from home. In their white paper “Auswahl und Nutzung web­ba­sier­ter Kom­muni­kations­dienste in Zeiten von Corona“, the Fraunhofer SIT data protection experts describe relevant requirements for appropriate data protection and security when choosing online tools.

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