StartUpSecure at it-sa 2018
Exhibition Appearance at IT-Security Trade Fair in Nürnberg
StartUpSecure will debut at europe's largest trade fair for IT-security it-sa - Home of Security taking place from 9th to 11th October 2018 in Nürnberg.The fair shows a broad spectre of approx. 700 exhibitors with products or services concerning cloud, mobile communication and cyber security, data and network security including physical IT-security. Also consulting companies and current research will have a place.

The booth of StartUpSecure will feature a pop-up consultation service for founders and future founders. The StartUpSecure team sees that as an initiative to provide a contact point at the it-sa. In the special area StartUps@it-sa they will present information about generating ideas and marketing, as well as support opportunities for IT-security start-ups, including the offerings of the " founding incubator" and the „CyberSecValley“ Darmstadt.
The newly implemented founder contest „UP18@it-sa“ (October 8th) will provide another focus on IT-security start-ups. The contest has been invented by Digital Hub Cybersecurity and the Bayerischen IT-Sicherheitscluster and will showcase 18 promising IT-security start-ups and will present themselves before a peer jury. The winner will win the opportunity to present themselves and an exclusive coaching directly at the special StartUps@it-sa area.
The trade-fair for IT-secuirty it-sa will take place 9th to 11th October 2019 at the faircentre in Nürnberg. You can find StartUpSecure in Hall 10.1 booth 516
Die Fachmesse für IT-Security it-sa findet vom 9.-11. Oktober 2018 im Messezentrum in Nürnberg statt. StartUpSecure ist zu finden in Halle 10.1 am Stand 51.
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