StartUpSecure introduces itself
Some probably already know StartUpSecure. Everyone else has the opportunity to learn more about us and our consulting activities.

The CRISP start incubator StartUpSecure supports start-ups in the field of IT security and advises on the development of marketable business models. Since the beginning of the year, founders have found advice from our experts to develop their first ideas into market-ready products and services for more cyber security. The initiative is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with an annual project budget of two million and is aimed at supporting start-ups in the field of IT security.
What we offer
We offer a comprehensive, individual consultation with a specific reference to IT security across all cycles: from the idea through product launch to successful market launch. Our consulting team examines all the factors necessary for a successful business start-up and deals specifically with the individual needs. The determination of a personal success concept is free of charge and will of course be treated confidentially by our team.
Our offers include:
• idea generation
• Development of a tailor-made business model
• Business consulting IT security
• Key figures and special features of the market in the field of IT security
• Marketing and communication
• Establishment and maintenance of a suitable network
• Overview of the possibilities of financial support
Guaranteed success: strong networking with other institutions
At the two other competence centers for IT security research CISPA in Saarbrücken and KASTEL in Karlsruhe as well as at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, a start incubator StartUpSecure was established. In addition, we work very closely with HIGHEST, the founding and innovation center of the TU Darmstadt and the Digital Hub Cybersecurity. The regular exchange with all facilities increases the quality of the advice offered and ensures the implementation of marketable and successful spin-offs.
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