Successful submissions on ARES 2021
Researchers from the research institutions involved in ATHENE, Fraunhofer SIT, TU Darmstadt and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, were able to place several papers at the "International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security", ARES for short. The conference highlights various aspects of security, with a special focus on the crucial link between availability, reliability and security.

The papers accepted at the main conference are:
Snail Mail Beats Email Any Day: On Effective Operator Security Notifications in the Internet
Authors: Max Maass, Marc-Pascal Clement, Matthias Hollick
In-vehicle detection of targeted CAN bus attacks
Authors: Florian Fenzl, Roland, Rieke, Andreas Dominik
Analyzing and Securing SOME/IP Automotive Services with Formal and Practical Methods
Authors: Daniel Zelle, Timm Lauser, Dustin Kern, Christoph Krauß
OVANA: An Approach to Analyze and Improve the Information Quality of Vulnerability Databases
Authors: Philipp Kuehn, Markus Bayer, Marc Wendelborn, Christian Reuter
The following papers will be presented in workshops held at ARES:
Best Practices for Notification Studies for Security and Privacy Issues on the Internet
Authors: Max Maass, Henning Pridöhl, Dominik Herrmann, Matthias Hollick
Software Development Processes for ADs, SMCs and OSCssupporting Usability, Security, and Privacy Goals - an Overview
Authors: Tim Bender, Rolf Huesmann, Andreas Heinemann
POSNoise: An Effective Countermeasure Against Topic Biases in Authorship Analysis
Authors: Oren Halvani, Lukas Graner
Reliable Data Transmission using Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) for Agricultural Applications
Authors: Franz Kuntke, Marcel Sinn, Christian Reuter
An exploratory analysis on the impact of Shodan scanning tool on the network attacks
Authors: Andrea Tundis, Eric Marc Modo Nga, Max Mühlhäuser
ARES 2021 will be held August 17-20 as a virtual conference.
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