Successful submissions on CSCW 2021
Three papers authored by ATHENE researcher Prof. Christian Reuter, head of the PEASEC research group at the TU Darmstadt, and his team were accepted at the 24th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW). At the Core A ranked conference, researchers and practitioners exchange ideas on the technical, social, material, and theoretical challenges of designing technologies to support collaborative work and life activities.

Accepted papers are
The Impact of Organizational Structure and Technology Use on Collaborative Practices in Computer Emergency Response Teams: An Empirical Study
Authors: Riebe, Thea, Marc-André Kaufhold, Christian Reuter
Digital Privacy Perception of Refugees in Germany - An Empirical Study about Smartphone Usage during the Flight
Authors: Steinbrink, Enno, Lilian Reichert, Michelle Mende, Christian Reuter
Stronger Together: How Neighborhood Groups Build up a Virtual Network during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Haesler, Steffen, Stefka Schmid, Annemike Sophia Vierneisel, Christian Reuter
CSCW 2021 takes place virtually from October 23 - 27, 2021.
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