VDE Tec Summit 2018
CRISP-Researchers report on IT-Security in Elektromobility and in the field of Assisted Homes
With this years VDE Tec Summit 2018 celebrations are in order for the 125th anniversery of the VDE association Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V. Approximately 1500 participants from industry, science and politics are expected to discuss and report on the digital transformation in application areas like energy, industry, mobility, health, living and cyber-security. Prof. Christoph Krauß, Fraunhofer SIT, and CRISP managing director will highlight challenges for cyber-security in different business segments in their presentations.

Prof. Christoph Krauß, FraunhoferSIT, showcases in his session "Elektromobilität - aber secure!" possible threats and solutions for IT-security in elektromobility. In the session "Living Herausforderungen der Gesellschaft zu Hause lösen?" Dr. Reiner Wichert, managing director of CRISP, talks about "Selbstbestimmtes Leben zu Hause trotz alters- oder krankheitsbedingter Einschränkungen. Was ist heute schon möglich?" (Autonimous life despite age or health related disabilites. What is possible today?). In his presentation he informs among other things about the necessity of privacy-protecting and IT-security-related components Ambient Assisted-Living (AAL) - systems.
The VDE Tec Summit 2018 is taking place from 13th - 14th November 2018 in Berlin.
Information about the programm and registration
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