White Paper "Auswahl und Nutzung webbasierter Kommunikationsdienste in Zeiten von Corona"
ATHENE researchers propose requirements for data protection and data security in digital meeting tools
The recent corona pandemic has inspired many businesses to utilize web based communication tools for webinars, video conferences and matchmaking services in order to provide at-home communication and advanced training opportunities for their employees working from home. In their white paper “Auswahl und Nutzung webbasierter Kommunikationsdienste in Zeiten von Corona“, the Fraunhofer SIT data protection experts describe relevant requirements for appropriate data protection and security when choosing online tools.

Apart from that, they also compiled a short and clear checklist including the most important points to be considered when choosing such a tool.
In order to help businesses with their choice, our experts will also be holding a free online-seminar (in German) on data protection for online tools in May.
Download the white paper in German (PDF, 508KB)
Download the checklist in German (PDF, 148KB)
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