Efficiently Stealing your Machine Learning Models
Reith, Robert Nikolai; Schneider, Thomas; Tkachenko, Oleksandr
Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society
[Conference Proceedings]
Sponges Resist Leakage: The Case of Authenticated Encryption
Degabriele, Jean Paul; Janson, Christian; Struck, Patrick
25th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security
[Conference Proceedings]
Bluemergency: Mediating Post-disaster Communication Systems using the Internet of Things and Bluetooth Mesh
Álvarez, Flor; Almon, Lars; Radtki, Hauke; Hollick, Matthias
9th IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE GHTC 2019)
[Conference Proceedings]
Responsible Data Usage in Smart Cities: Privacy in Everyday Life vs. Reacting to Emergency Situations
Schmidbauer-Wolf, Gina Maria; Herbert, Franziska; Reuter, Christian
SCIENCE PEACE SECURITY '19 - Interdisciplinary Conference on Technical Peace and Security Challenges
[Conference Proceedings]
Ein Kampf gegen Windmühlen: qualitative Studie über Informatikabsolventinnen und ihre Datenprivatheit
Schmidbauer-Wolf, Gina Maria; Herbert, Franziska; Reuter, Christian
Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband
[Conference Proceedings]
Accessing Dual Use in IT Development
Riebe, Thea; Reuter, Christian
SCIENCE PEACE SECURITY '19 - Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Conference on Technical Peace and Security Challenges
[Conference Proceedings]
Wertekonflikte in der Nutzung sozialer Medien zur Vernetzung ungebundener HelferInnen in Krisensituationen – Ein Value-Sensitive Design Ansatz
Riebe, Thea; Langer, Amanda; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Kretschmer, Nina Katharina; Reuter, Christian
Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband
[Conference Proceedings]
Threat Intelligence Application for Cyber Attribution
Riebe, Thea; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Kumar, Tarun; Reuter, Christian
SCIENCE PEACE SECURITY '19 - Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Conference on Technical Peace and Security Challenges
[Conference Proceedings]
6. Workshop Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion in sicherheitskritischen Systemen - Neue digitale Realitäten
Reuter, Christian; Mentler, Tilo; Nestler, Simon; Herczeg, Michael; Ludwig, Thomas; Pottebaum, Jens; Kaufhold, Marc-André
Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband, p.278-280
[Conference Proceedings]
Between Effort and Security: User Assessment of the Adequacy of Security Mechanisms for App Categories
Reuter, Christian; Häusser, Katja; Bien, Mona; Herbert, Franziska
MuC'19: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2019, p.287-297
[Conference Proceedings]
SentiNet: Twitter-basierter Ansatz zur kombinierten Netzwerk- und Stimmungsanalyse in Katastrophenlagen
Kaufhold, Marc-André; Schmidt, Arne; Seifert, Fabienne; Riebe, Thea; Reuter, Christian
Mensch und Computer 2019 - Workshopband
[Conference Proceedings]
Social Media Misuse: Cultural Violence, Peace and Security in Digital Networks
Kaufhold, Marc-André; Reuter, Christian
SCIENCE PEACE SECURITY '19 - Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Conference on Technical Peace and Security Challenges
[Conference Proceedings]
Potentiale von IKT beim Ausfall kritischer Infrastrukturen: Erwartungen, Informationsgewinnung und Mediennutzung der Zivilbevölkerung in Deutschland
Kaufhold, Marc-André; Grinko, Margarita; Reuter, Christian; Schorch, Marén; Langer, Amanda; Skudelny, Sascha; Hollick, Matthias
Wirtschaftsinformatik Proceedings 2019, p.1054-1068
[Conference Proceedings]
TrustyTweet: An Indicator-based Browser-Plugin to Assist Users in Dealing with Fake News on Twitter
Hartwig, Katrin; Reuter, Christian
Wirtschaftsinformatik Proceedings 2019, p.1844-1855
[Conference Proceedings]
Fighting Misinformation on Twitter: The Plugin based approach TrustyTweet
Hartwig, Katrin; Reuter, Christian
SCIENCE PEACE SECURITY '19 - Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Conference on Technical Peace and Security Challenges
[Conference Proceedings]
Hybride Dienstleistungen in digitalisierten Kooperationen in der Landwirtschaft
Bernardi, Ansgar; Reuter, Christian; Schneider, Wolfgang; Linsner, Sebastian; Kaufhold, Marc-André
Informatik in der Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft : Fokus: Digitalisierung für landwirtschaftliche Betriebe in kleinstrukturierten Regionen - ein Widerspruch in sich? Referate der 39. GIL-Jahrestagung, p.25-30
[Conference Proceedings]
The King is Dead Long Live the King! Towards Systematic Performance Evaluation of Heterogeneous Bluetooth Mesh Networks in Real World Environments
Almon, Lars; Álvarez, Flor; Kamp, Laurenz; Hollick, Matthias
2019 IEEE 44nd Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)
[Conference Proceedings]
Vulnerability Assessment in the Smart Farming Infrastructure through Cyberattacks
Linsner, Sebastian; Varma, Rashmi; Reuter, Christian
Informatik in der Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft, p.119-124
[Conference Proceedings]
Resilience in Security and Crises through Adaptions and Transitions
Kalle, Timo; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Kuntke, Franz; Reuter, Christian; Rizk, Amr; Steinmetz, Ralf
Informatik 2019: 50 Jahre Gesellschaft für Informatik - Informatik für Gesellschaft (Workshop-Beiträge), p.571-584
[Conference Proceedings]
Adoption, Use and Diffusion of Crisis Apps in Germany: A Representative Survey
Grinko, Margarita; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Reuter, Christian
MuC'19: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2019
[Conference Proceedings]
Counter Narratives in Social Media: An Empirical Study on Combat and Prevention of Terrorism
Langer, Amanda; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Runft, Elena; Reuter, Christian; Grinko, Margarita; Pipek, Volkmar
Proceedings of the 16th ISCRAM Conference : Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
[Conference Proceedings]
Renouncing Privacy in Crisis Management? People's View on Social Media Monitoring and Surveillance
Aldehoff, Larissa; Dankenbring, Meri; Reuter, Christian
Proceedings of the 16th ISCRAM Conference : Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
[Conference Proceedings]
Social Media Use in Emergencies of Citizens in the United Kingdom
Spielhofer, Thomas; Hahne, Anna Sophie; Reuter, Christian; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Schmid, Stefka
Proceedings of the 16th ISCRAM Conference : Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, p.620-632
[Conference Proceedings]
Privacy-preserving speech processing via STPC and TEEs
Bayerl, Sebastian P.; Brasser, Ferdinand; Busch, Christoph; Frassetto, Tommaso; Jauernig, Patrick; Kolberg, Jascha; Nautsch, Andreas; Riedhammer, Korbinian; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Schneider, Thomas; Stapf, Emmanuel; Treiber, Amos; Weinert, Christian
2nd Privacy Preserving Machine Learning (PPML) - CCS 2019 Workshop
[Conference Proceedings]
In Hardware We Trust: Gains and Pains of Hardware-assisted Security
Batina, Lejla; Jauernig, Patrick; Mentens, Nele; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Stapf, Emmanuel
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Design Automation Conference 2019
[Conference Proceedings]
Judge: Identifying, Understanding, and Evaluating Sources of Unsoundness in Call Graphs
Reif, Michael; Kübler, Florian; Eichberg, Michael; Helm, Dominik; Mezini, Mira
28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'19)
[Conference Proceedings]
Improved multiplication triple generation over rings via RLWE-based AHE
Rathee, Deevashwer; Schneider, Thomas; Shukla, K. K.
18. International Conference on Cryptology And Network Security (CANS'19)
[Conference Proceedings]
Investigating Next Steps in Static API-Misuse Detection
Amann, Sven; Nguyen, Hoan Anh; Nadi, Sarah; Nguyen, Tien N.; Mezini, Mira
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories
[Conference Proceedings]
Hybrid Key Encapsulation Mechanisms and Authenticated Key Exchange
Bindel, Nina; Brendel, Jacqueline; Fischlin, Marc; Goncalves, Brian; Stebila, Douglas
PQCrypto 2019: Post-Quantum Cryptography, p.206-226
[Conference Proceedings]
Breakdown Resilience of Key Exchange Protocols: NewHope, TLS 1.3, and Hybrids
Brendel, Jacqueline; Fischlin, Marc; Günther, Felix
ESORICS 2019: Computer Security - ESORICS 2019, p.521-541
[Conference Proceedings]