Previous lectures of our ATHENE Distinguished Lecture Series
Tal Shapira, Reco
Talk: "A Deep Learning Approach for Detecting IP Hijack Attacks"
See his talk on YouTube.
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Amir Herzberg, University of Connecticut
Vortrag: "BGP-iSec: Improved Security of Internet Routing Against Post-ROV Attacks"
See his talk on YouTube.
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Juliane Krämer, Universität Regensburg
Talk: "On the physical security of multivariate signature schemes"
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Carsten Meywirth, Head of the Cybercrime Division at the Bundeskriminalamt
Talk: "Ransomware & Cybercrime - Sind wir noch zu retten?"
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Peter van Burgel, AMS-IX
Talk: "Securing vital infrastructure: A public or private matter?"
See his talk on YouTube.
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Katie Arrington
Talk:"The Criticality of Cybersecurity in Supply Chains"
See her talk on YouTube.
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Konrad Rieck
"When Papers Choose their Reviewers: Adversarial Machine Learning in Conference Management Systems"
See his talk on YouTube.
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Matthias Wählisch
"Impactful Measurement Research: Lessons from Analyzing IP Prefix Hijacks, DDoS, and Emerging Transport Protocols"
See his talk on YouTube.
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Sascha Fahl
"A Holistic Approach to Human Factors in Cybersecurity"
See his talk on YouTube.
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Anat Bremler-Barr
"Cloud Auto-scaling Mechanisms Under DDoS Attacks: Yo-Yo Attack and Tandem Attack"
See her talk on YouTube.
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Amir Moradi
"Simply Secure: Tools for Automated Generation and Evaluation of Protected Hardware"
See his talk on YouTube.
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Peter Y. A. Ryan
"Trust and Trustworthiness of Voting Systems"
Juan Garay
"Foundational Aspects of Blockchain Protocols"
Alice J. O´Toole
"Turning a face recognition black box white: Understanding what deep convolutional neural networks learn about faces"
Gene Tsudik
"VRASED: Verifiable Remote Attestation for Simple Embedded Devices"
N. Asokan
"Hardware-assisted run-time protection: on balancing security and deployability"
Daniel Keim
"The Power of Visual Analytics for Security Applications"
Ross Anderson
"Tracing Stolen Bitcoin"
Ari Juels
"Beyond Smarts: Toward Correct, Private, Data-Rich Smart Contracts"
Paulo Esteves-Veríssimo
"Grand Research Challenges for Cybersecurity of Critical Information and Infrastructures"
Gilles Barthe
"From Provable Security to Secure Cryptographic Implementations"
Paul van Oorschot
"Security as a Science - Are we making progress?"
Srini Devadas
"Sanctum - Towards an Open-Source, Formally-Verifi ed Secure Processor"
Bart Preneel
"New Threat Models for Cryptography"
Cristina Nita-Rotaru
"Building Robust Distributed Systesm and Network Protocols"
Ulrich Meyer
"Algorithm Engineering for Graph Traversal and Graph Generation in External-Memory"
Thorsten Holz
"Reflections on Code-Reuse Attacks and Defenses"
Pepijn W. H. Pinkse
"Quantum-Secure Authentication of Physical Optical Keys"
Alessandro Orso
"Automated Debugging: Are We There Yet?"
Negar Kiyavash
"A Timing Approach to Causal Network Inference: From Brain to Social Networks and Beyond"
Mauro Barni
"Multimedia Forensics: a Game Theoretic Approach"
Michael Backes
"Privacy in the Tomorrow‘s Internet"
Matthew Smith
"Frontiers of Usable Security - Developers, Administrators and System Security"
Jörn Müller-Quade
"A Systematic Approach to Cybersecurity: Models, Assumptions, Proofs"
Patrick McDaniel
"Six Years of Mobile Smartphone Security"
Nigel Smart
"Computing on Encrypted Data"
Angela Sasse
"Implicit authentication via biometrics: usability triumph or privacy nightmare?"
Steven M. Bellovin
"Web Secruity in the Real World"
Ernie Brickell
"Intel‘s Security Architecture Vision"
Jean-Pierre Seifert
"A thorough analysis of the arbiter PUF promise"
Gene Tsudik
"Challenges in Remote Attestation of Low-End Embedded Devices"
Greg Morrisett
"Securing Code in a More Trustworthy Fashion"
Adrian Perrig
"SCION: Scalability, Control and Isolation On Newxt-Generation Network"
Farinaz Koushanfar
"Big Data, Big Security, Bigger Challenges and Opportunities"
Fred Schneider
"Toward a Science of Security"
Josyula R. Rao
"Using Big Data Analytics to Secure Enterprises"
Amir Herzberg
"Plug-and-Play IP Security: Anonymity Infrastructure Instead of PKI"
Adi Shamir
"Cryptography: A Personal Perspective"
Vern Paxson
"Beyond Technical Security: Investigating Social and Economic Perspectives"
Srdjan Capkun
"Selected Topics in Wireless Physical Layer Security"
Christof Paar
"Constructive and Destructive Aspects of Security for the Internet of Things"
Radia Perlman
"Data: Making it be there when you want it, and making it disappear when you want it gone"
Kai Grassie
"Mobile Security: A secure ecosystem for mobile communication"
Kristin Lovejoy
"Today‘s Security Attacks: A real world overview of who, how and why"
Kenneth Patterson
"TLS and DTLS: a Tale of Two Protocols"
Refik Molva
"Selected Protocols for RFID Security and Privacy"
Virgil Gligor
"Street-level Sematics for Attribute Authentication"
Ulfar Erlingsson
"Cloud Computing and Software Security"
Ueli Maurer
"Constructive Cryptography - A new Paradigm for Security"
John Daugman
"Recognising Persons by their Iris Patterns"
Cedric Fournet
"Modular Code-Based Cryptographic Verification"
Michael Reiter
"Defending againgst Client Compromises in Client-Server Applications"
Elisa Bertino
"Protecting Information Systems from Insider Threats - Concepts and Issues"
Rainer Blatt
"The Quantum Way of doing Computations"
David Naccache
"On Secret Leakage and Polymorphic Code Design"
Vitaly Shmatikov
"The End of Anonymity, the Beginning of Privacy"
Audun Jøsang
"User-Centric Identity Management"
Jean-Pierre Hubaux
"Location Privacy and Neighbor Discovery - Attacks, Countermeasures and Game-Theoretic Modeling"
Joshua D. Guttman
"Designing Correct Cryptoprotocols"
Gerd Leuchs
"Information is physical"
Anja Feldmann
"Characteristics of Residential Broadband Internet Traffic"
Ronald Cramer
"On a Class of Special Codes Arising in Secure Multi-Party Computation"
Andrew C. Myers
"A higher-level abstraction for building decentralized distributed systems"
Somesh Jha
"Retrofitting Legacy Code for Security"
Renato Renner
"Security against Quantum: Mechanical Adversaries"
Bart Preneel
"Cryptographic Hash Functions Revisited: The NIST SHA-3 Comptetition"