Sticking with Landlines? Citizens’ Use and Perception of Social Media in Emergencies and Expectations Towards Emergency Services in Germany
Haunschild, Jasmin; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Reuter, Christian
Proceedings of the International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), p.1545-1560
[Conference Proceedings]
Empirical Insights for Designing Information and Communication Technology for International Disaster Response
Stute, Milan; Maass, Max; Schons, Tom; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Reuter, Christian; Hollick, Matthias
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (IJDRR)
[Journal Article]
Emergency service staff and social media – A comparative empirical study of the attitude by Emergency Services staff in Europe in 2014 and 2017
Reuter, Christian; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Spahr, Fabian; Spielhofer, Thomas; Hahne, Anna Sophie
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (IJDRR)
[Journal Article]
A Programming Model for Semi-implicit Parallelization of Static Analyses
Helm, Dominik; Kübler, Florian; Kölzer, Jan Thomas; Haller, Philipp; Eichberg, Michael; Salvaneschi, Guido; Mezini, Mira
ISSTA '20: 29th SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
[Conference Proceedings]
Firmware Insider: Bluetooth Randomness is Mostly Random
Tillmanns, Jörn; Classen, Jiska; Rohrbach, Felix; Hollick, Matthias
14th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT 2020)
[Conference Proceedings]
Trustworthy AI Inference Systems: An Industry Research View
Cammarota, Rosario; Schunter, Matthias; Rajan, Anand; Boemer, Fabian; Kiss, Ágnes; Treiber, Amos; Weinert, Christian; Schneider, Thomas; Stapf, Emmanuel; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Demmler, Daniel; Chen, Huili; Hussain, Siam Umar; Riazi, M. Sadegh; Koushanfar, Farinaz; Gupta, Saransh; Rosing, Tajan Simunic; Chaudhuri, Kamalika; Nejatollahi, Hamid; Dutt, Nikil; Imani, Mohsen; Laine, Kim; Dubey, Anuj; Aysu, Aydin; Sadat Hosseini, Fateme; Yang, Chengmo; Wallace, Eric; Norton, Pamela
MP2ML: A Mixed-Protocol Machine Learning Framework for Private Inference
Boemer, Fabian; Cammarota, Rosario; Demmler, Daniel; Schneider, Thomas; Yalame, Mohammad Hossein
2nd Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Workshop at CRYPTO 2020
[Conference Proceedings]
The Tip of the Iceberg: On the Merits of Finding Security Bugs
Alexopoulos, Nikolaos; Habib, Sheikh Mahbub; Schulz, Steffen; Mühlhäuser, Max
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security
[Journal Article]
A survey of multitier programming
Salvaneschi, Guido; Wirth, Johannes; Weisenburger, Pascal
ACM Computing Surveys
[Journal Article]
CryptoSPN: Expanding PPML beyond Neural Networks
Treiber, Amos; Molina, Alejandro; Weinert, Christian; Schneider, Thomas; Kersting, Kristian
2nd Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Workshop at CRYPTO 2020
[Conference Proceedings]
CryptoSPN: Expanding PPML beyond Neural Networks
Treiber, Amos; Molina, Alejandro; Weinert, Christian; Schneider, Thomas; Kersting, Kristian
PPMLP'20: Proceedings of the 2020 Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning in Practi, p.9-14
[Conference Proceedings]
Engineering Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning Protocols
Schneider, Thomas
PPMLP ‘20: Proceedings of the 2020 Workshop on Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning in Practice, p.3-4
[Conference Proceedings]
Modular Collaborative Program Analysis in OPAL
Helm, Dominik; Kübler, Florian; Reif, Michael; Eichberg, Michael; Mezini, Mira
ESEC/FSE 2020 : Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, p.184-196
[Conference Proceedings]
RESCUE: A Resilient and Secure Device-to-Device Communication Framework for Emergencies
Stute, Milan; Kohnhäuser, Florian; Baumgärtner, Lars; Almon, Lars; Hollick, Matthias; Katzenbeisser, Stefan; Freisleben, Bernd
Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing
[Journal Article]
Peek-a-Boo: I see your smart home activities, even encrypted!
Acar, Abbas; Fereidooni, Hossein; Abera, Tigist; Sikder, Amit Kumsr; Miettinen, Markus; Aksu, Hidayet; Conti, Mauro; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
WiSec 2020: 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks
[Conference Proceedings]
Acoustic Integrity Codes: Secure Device Pairing Using Short-Range Acoustic Communication
Putz, Florentin; Álvarez, Flor; Classen, Jiska
WiSec '20: Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, p.31-41
[Conference Proceedings]
Practical Privacy-Preserving Indoor Localization based on Secure Two-Party Computation
Nieminen, Raine; Järvinen, Kimmo
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
[Journal Article]
DEMO: BTLEmap: Nmap for Bluetooth Low Energy
Heinrich, Alexander; Stute, Milan; Hollick, Matthias
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and MobileNetworks, p.331-333
[Conference Proceedings]
MPC for Securing Internet Infrastructure
Shrishak, Kris; Shulman, Haya
50th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2020)
[Conference Proceedings]
Diving into Email Bomb Attack
Schneider, Markus; Shulman, Haya; Sidis, Adi; Sidis, Ravid; Waidner, Michael
DSN 2020-International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
[Conference Proceedings]
Secure Consensus Generation with Distributed DoH
Jeitner, Philipp; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
DSN 2020-International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
[Conference Proceedings]
Pitfalls of Provably Secure Systems in Internet - The Case of Chronos-NTP
Jeitner, Philipp; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
DSN 2020-International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
[Conference Proceedings]
The Impact of DNS Insecurity on Time
Jeitner, Philipp; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
DSN2020 - 50th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
[Conference Proceedings]
DISCO: Sidestepping RPKI's Deployment Barriers
Hlavacek, Tomas; Cunha, Italo; Gilad, Yossi; Herzberg, Amir; Katz-Bassett, Ethan; Schapira, Michael; Shulman, Haya
Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium (NDSS 2020)
[Conference Proceedings]
INVITED: AI Utopia or Dystopia - On Securing AI Platforms
Dessouky, Ghada; Jauernig, Patrick; Mentens, Nele; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Stapf, Emmanuel
DAC'20-Design Automation Conference 2020
[Conference Proceedings]
Client-oblivious OPRAM
Davies, Gareth T.; Janson, Christian; Martin, Daniel P.
The 22nd International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2020)
[Conference Proceedings]
Securing DNSSEC Keys via Threshold ECDSA From Generic MPC
Dalskov, Anders; Keller, Marcel; Orlandi, Claudio; Shrishak, Kris; Shulman, Haya
ESORICS 2020-The 25th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
[Conference Proceedings]
Optimal Transport Layer for Secure Computation
Brandt, Markus; Orlandi, Claudio; Shrishak, Kris; Shulman, Haya
SECRYPT 2020-The 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
[Conference Proceedings]
TACAI: An Intermediate Representation Based on Abstract Interpretation
Reif, Michael; Kübler, Florian; Helm, Dominik; Hermann, Ben; Eichberg, Michael; Mezini, Mira
SOAP 2020-9th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Program Analysis
[Conference Proceedings]
With Great Complexity Comes Great Vulnerability: Challenges of Secure Processor Design
Dessouky, Ghada; Frassetto, Tommaso; Jauernig, Patrick; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
IEEE Security & Privacy
[Journal Article]