A response to the European Data Protection Supervisor Misunderstandings in Biometrics by the European Association for Biometrics
Busch, C.; Czajka, A.; Deravi, F.; Drozdowski, P.; Gomez-Barrero, M.; Hasse, G.; Henniger, O.; Kindt, E.; Kolberg, J.; Nouak, A.; Raja, K.; Raghavendra, R.; Rathgeb, C.; Salomon, J.; Veldhuis, R.
IET Biometrics, Vol.11, p.79-86
[Journal Article]
Mask, Train, Repeat! Artificial Intelligence for Quantitative Wood Anatomy
Resente, G.; Gillert, A.; Trouillier, M.; Anadon-Rosell, A.; Peters, R.L.; Arx, G. von; Lukas, U. von; Wilmking, M.
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Development of a Multiomics Database for Personalized Prognostic Forecasting in Head and Neck Cancer: The Big Data to Decide EU Project
Cavalieri, Stefano; Cecco, L. de; Brakenhoff, R.H.; Serafini, M.S.; Canevari, S.; Rossi, S.; Lanfranco, D.; Hoebers, F.J.P.; Wesseling, F.W.R.; Keek, S.; Scheckenbach, K.; Mattavelli, D.; Hoffmann, T.; López Pérez, L.; Fico, G.; Bologna, M.; Nauta, I.; Leemans, C.R.; Trama, A.; Klausch, T.; Berkhof, J.H.; Tountopoulos, V.; Shefi, R.; Mainardi, L.; Mercalli, F.; Poli, T.; Licitra, L.; Wesarg, S.
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INODE: Building an End-to-End Data Exploration System in Practice
Amer-Yahia, Sihem; Koutrika, Georgia; Braschler, Martin; Calvanese, Diego; Lanti, Davide; Lücke-Tieke, Hendrik; Mosca, Alessandro; Mendes de Farias, Tarcisio; Papadopoulos, Dimitris; Patil, Yogendra; Rull, Guillem; Smith, Ellery; Skoutas, Dimitrios; Subramanian, Srividya; Stockinger, Kurt
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Extended Evaluation of the Effect of Real and Simulated Masks on Face Recognition Performance
Damer, Naser; Boutros, Fadi; Süßmilch, Marius; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
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Privacy-Enhancing Face Biometrics: A Comprehensive Survey
Meden, Blaz; Rot, Peter; Terhörst, Philipp; Damer, Naser; Kuijper, Arjan; Scheirer, Walter J.; Ross, Arun A.; Peer, Peter; Struc, Vitomir
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A Graphical Social Topology Model for RGB-D Multi-Person Tracking
Gao, Shan; Ye, Qixiang; Liu, Li; Kuijper, Arjan; Ji, Xiangyang
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Computer Graphics: From Research to Commodity to New Highs [Graphically Speaking]
Stork, A.
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A Visualization Interface to Improve the Transparency of Collected Personal Data on the Internet
Schufrin, Marija; Reynolds, Steven Lamarr; Kuijper, Arjan; Kohlhammer, Jörn
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Detection of Fiber Defects Using Keypoints and Deep Learning
Siegmund, Dirk; Fu, Biying; José-García, Adán; Salahuddin, Ahmad Masood; Kuijper, Arjan
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Seasonal Evolution of Winds, Atmospheric Tides, and Reynolds Stress components in the Southern Hemisphere Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere in 2019
Stober, Gunter; Janches, Diego; Matthias, Vivien; Fritts, Dave; Marino, John; Moffat-Griffin, Tracy; Baumgarten, Kathrin; Lee, Wonseok; Murphy, Damian; Kim, Yong Ha; Mitchell, Nicholas; Palo, Scott
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On Soft-Biometric Information Stored in Biometric Face Embeddings
Terhörst, Philipp; Fährmann, Daniel; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
[Journal Article]
Interhemispheric differences of mesosphere-lower thermosphere winds and tides investigated from three whole-atmosphere models and meteor radar observations
Stober, Gunter; Kuchar, Ales; Pokhotelov, Dimitry; Liu, Huixin; Liu, Han-Li; Schmidt, Hauke; Jacobi, Christoph; Baumgarten, Kathrin; Brown, Peter; Janches, Diego; Murphy, Damian; Kozlovsky, Alexander; Lester, Mark; Belova, Evgenia; Kero, Johan; Mitchell, Nicholas
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Displaced Signed Distance Fields for Additive Manufacturing
Brunton, Alan; Abu Rmaileh, Lubna
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Progressive Bilateral-Context Driven Model for Post-Processing Person Re-Identification
Cao, Min; Chen, Chen; Dou, Hao; Hu, Xiyuan; Peng, Silong; Kuijper, Arjan
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A computer vision system for saw blade condition monitoring
Jourdan, Nicolas; Biegel, Tobias; Knauthe, Volker; Buelow, Max von; Guthe, Stefan; Metternich, Joachim
Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS) 2021
[Journal Article]
MIPGAN - Generating Strong and High Quality Morphing Attacks Using Identity Prior Driven GAN
Zhang, Haoyu; Venkatesh, Sushma; Ramachandra, Raghavendra; Raja, Kiran; Damer, Naser; Busch, Christoph
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Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Kinder und Jugendliche mit Behinderungen: Erweiterter Forschungsstand seit 2014 und praktische Konsequenzen
Chodan, Wencke; Häßler, Frank; Reis, Olaf
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Algorithm 1015. A Fast Scalable Solver for the Dense Linear (Sum) Assignment Problem
Guthe, S.; Thuerck, D.
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On the Unusually Bright and Frequent Noctilucent Clouds in Summer 2019 above Northern Germany
Gerding, Michael; Baumgarten, Gerd; Zecha, Marius; Luebken, Franz-Josef; Baumgarten, Kathrin; Latteck, Ralph
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Cross-database and Cross-attack Iris Presentation Attack Detection Using Micro Stripes Analyses
Fang, Meiling; Damer, Naser; Boutros, Fadi; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
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MAAD-Face: A Massively Annotated Attribute Dataset for Face Images
Terhörst, Philipp; Fährmann, Daniel; Kolf, Jan Niklas; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
[Journal Article]
Accuracy and Precision of Volumetric Bone Mineral Density Assessment Using Dual-source Dual-energy versus Quantitative CT: A Phantom Study
Koch, Vitali; Große Hokamp, Nils; Albrecht, Moritz H.; Gruenewald, Leon D.; Yel, Ibrahim; Borggrefe, Jan; Wesarg, Stefan; Eichler, Katrin; Burck, Iris; Gruber-Rouh, Tatjana; Lenga, Lukas; Vogl, Thomas J.; Martin, Simon S.; Wichmann, Julian L.; Hammerstingl, Renate; Alizadeh, Leona S.; Mader, Christoph; Huizinga, Nicole A.; D'Angelo, Tommaso; Ascenti, Giorgio; Mazziotti, Silvio; Booz, Christian
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Seasonal Cycle of Gravity Wave Potential Energy Densities from Lidar and Satellite Observations at 54° and 69°N
Strelnikova, Irina; Almowafy, Marwa; Baumgarten, Gerd; Baumgarten, Kathrin; Ern, Manfred; Gerding, Michael; Luebken, Franz-Josef
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The Role of Interactive Visualization in Fostering Trust in AI
Beauxis-Aussalet, Emma; Behrisch, Michael; Borgo, Rita; Chau, Duen Horng; Collins, Christopher; Ebert, David; El-Assady, Mennatallah; Endert, Alex; Keim, Daniel A.; Kohlhammer, Jörn; Oelke, Daniela; Peltonen, Jaakko; Riveiro, Maria; Schreck, Tobias; Strobelt, Hendrik; Wijk, Jarke J. van
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ProBGP: Progressive Visual Analytics of Live BGP Updates
Ulmer, Alex; Sessler, David; Kohlhammer, Jörn
Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) 2021
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Analyzing and Improving the Parameterization Quality of Catmull-Clark Solids for Isogeometric Analysis
Altenhofen, Christian; Ewald, Tobias; Stork, André; Fellner, Dieter W.
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Interaktive Visualisierung: Durchblick beim Produktdesign
Cibulski, Lena; Mitterhofer, Hubert
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Deep learning models for optically characterizing 3D printers
Chen, Danwu; Urban, Philipp
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A Self-adaptive Learning Method for Motion Blur Kernel Estimation of the Single Image
Zhou, Wei; Hao, Xingxing; Cui, Jin; Yu, Yongxiang; Cao, Xin; Kuijper, Arjan
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