

Multiparty Virtual State Channels
Dziembowski, Stefan; Eckey, Lisa; Faust, Sebastian; Hesse, Julia; Hostakova, Kristina
Eurocrypt 2019
[Conference Proceedings]

Perils of Zero-Interaction Security in the Internet of Things
Fomichev, Mikhail; Maass, Max; Almon, Lars; Molina, Alejandro; Hollick, Matthias
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2019)
[Conference Proceedings]

Fault Attacks on UOV and Rainbow
Krämer, Juliane; Loiero, Mirjam
10th International Workshop on Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design (COSADE 2019)
[Conference Proceedings]

PILOT: Practical Privacy-Preserving Indoor Localization using OuTsourcing
Järvinen, Kimmo; Leppäkoski, Helena; Lohan, Elena Simona; Richter, Philipp; Schneider, Thomas; Tkachenko, Oleksandr; Yang, Zheng
4. IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P'19)
[Conference Proceedings]

FastKitten: Practical Smart Contracts on Bitcoin
Das, Poulami; Eckey, Lisa; Frassetto, Tommaso; Gens, David; Hostáková, Kristina; Jauernig, Patrick; Faust, Sebastian; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
28th USENIX Security Symposium
[Conference Proceedings]

ARM2GC: Succinct Garbled Processor for Secure Computation
Songhori, Ebrahim; Riazi, M. Sadegh; Hussain, Siam; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Koushanfar, Farinaz
Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2019 56th ACM/EDAC/IEEE
[Conference Proceedings]

Sereum: Protecting Existing Smart Contracts Against Re-Entrancy Attacks
Rodler, Michael; Li, Wenting; Karame, Ghassan O.; Davi, Lucas
Proceedings of 26th Annual Network & Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)
[Conference Proceedings]

Efficient Circuit-based PSI with Linear Communication
Pinkas, Benny; Schneider, Thomas; Tkachenko, Oleksandr; Yanai, Avishay
38. Advances in Cryptology -- EUROCRYPT 2019
[Conference Proceedings]

HardScope: Thwarting DOP with Hardware-assisted Run-time Scope Enforcement
Nyman, Thomas; Dessouky, Ghada; Zeitouni, Shaza; Lehikoinen, Aaro; Paverd, Andrew; Asokan, N.; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
DAC 2019
[Conference Proceedings]

Fake News Perception in Germany: A Representative Study of People's Attitudes and Approaches to Counteract Disinformation
Reuter, Christian; Hartwig, Katrin; Kirchner, Jan; Schlegel, Noah
Wirtschaftsinformatik Proceedings 2019, p.1069-1083
[Conference Proceedings]

Vulnerability Assessment in the Smart Farming Infrastructure through Cyberattacks
Linsner, Sebastian; Varma, Rashmi; Reuter, Christian
38. GIL-Jahrestagung in Wien: Digitalisierung für landwirtschaftliche Betriebe in kleinstrukturierten Regionen - ein Widerspruch in sich?
[Conference Proceedings]

Potentiale von IKT beim Ausfall kritischer Infrastrukturen: Erwartungen, Informationsgewinnung und Mediennutzung der Zivilbevölkerung in Deutschland
Kaufhold, Marc-André; Grinko, Margarita; Reuter, Christian; Schorch, Marén; Langer, Amanda; Skudelny, Sascha; Hollick, Matthias
Proceedings of the International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik
[Conference Proceedings]

TrustyTweet: An Indicator-based Browser-Plugin to Assist Users in Dealing with Fake News on Twitter
Hartwig, Katrin; Reuter, Christian
Proceedings of the International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI)
[Conference Proceedings]

Hybride Dienst­leis­tun­gen in digi­tali­sierten Kooperationen in der Landwirtschaft
Bernardi, Ansgar; Reuter, Christian; Schneider, Wolfgang; Linsner, Sebastian; Kaufhold, Marc-André
38. GIL-Jahrestagung in Wien: Digitalisierung für landwirtschaftliche Betriebe in kleinstrukturierten Regionen - ein Widerspruch in sich?
[Conference Proceedings]

A Holistic View on Organizational IT Security: The Influence of Contextual Aspects During IT Security Decisions
Heidt, Margareta; Gerlach, Jin; Buxmann, Peter
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
[Conference Proceedings]

Resilient Smart Farming (RSF) – Nutzung digitaler Tech­no­logien in krisensicherer Infrastruktur
Reuter, Christian; Schneider, Wolfgang; Eberz, Daniel
Informatik in der Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft : Digitalisierung für landwirtschaftliche Betriebe in kleinstrukturierten Regionen – ein Widerspruch in sich? Referate der 39. GIL-Jahrestagung, p.177-182
[Conference Proceedings]

SANCTUARY: ARMing TrustZone with User-space Enclaves
Brasser, Ferdinand; Gens, David; Jauernig, Patrick; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Stapf, Emmanuel
26th Annual Network & Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)
[Conference Proceedings]

TIMBER-V: Tag-Isolated Memory Bringing Fine-grained Enclaves to RISC-V
Weiser, Samuel; Werner, Mario; Brasser, Ferdinand; Malenko, Maja; Mangard, Stefan; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
26th Annual Network & Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)
[Conference Proceedings]

Nautilus: Fishing for Deep Bugs with Grammars
Aschermann, Cornelius; Frassetto, Tommaso; Holz, Thorsten; Jauernig, Patrick; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Teuchert, Daniel
26th Annual Network & Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)
[Conference Proceedings]

Perun: Virtual Payment Hubs over Cryptocurrencies
Dziembowski, Stefan; Eckey, Lisa; Faust, Sebastian; Malinowski, Daniel
39th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
[Conference Proceedings]

LiteHAX: Lightweight Hardware-Assisted Attestation of Program Execution
Dessouky, Ghada; Abera, Tigist; Ibrahim, Ahmad; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
37th IEEE International Conference On Computer Aided Design 2018 (ICCAD’18)
[Conference Proceedings]

A Comparative Study across Static and Dynamic Side-Channel Countermeasures
Dantas, Yuri Gil; Hamann, Tobias; Mantel, Heiko
The 11th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS)
[Conference Proceedings]

Simulatable Channels: Extended Security that is Universally Composable and Easier to Prove
Degabriele, Jean Paul; Fischlin, Marc
Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2018, p.519-550
[Conference Proceedings]

"This Website Uses Cookies": Users' Perceptions and Reactions to the Cookie Disclaimer
Kulyk, Oksana; Hilt, Annika; Gerber, Nina; Volkamer, Melanie
3rd European Workshop on Usable Security (EuroUSEC), London, England, April 23, 2018
[Conference Proceedings]

Helping john to make informed decisions on using social login
Karegar, Farzaneh; Gerber, Nina; Volkamer, Melanie; Fischer-Hübner, Simone
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, p.1165-1174
[Conference Proceedings]

Evaluation der Nutzbarkeit von PGP und S/MIME in Thunderbird
Ghiglieri, Marco; Henhapl, Birgit; Gerber, Nina
Mensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband
[Conference Proceedings]

Web Application for Privacy-Preserving Scheduling
Kiss, Ágnes; Schick, Oliver; Schneider, Thomas
27. USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security'18) Poster Session
[Conference Proceedings]

Removing the Bottleneck for Practical 2PC
Shrishak, Kris; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
ACM SIGSAG Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS)
[Conference Proceedings]

Perfect is the Enemy of Good: Setting Realistic Goals for BGP Security
Gilad, Yossi; Hlavacek, Tomas; Herzberg, Amir; Schapira, Michael; Shulman, Haya
HotNets'18: 17th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks
[Conference Proceedings]

Off-path Attacks Against PKI
Dai, Tianxiang; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
ACM SIGSAG Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2018)
[Conference Proceedings]