ATHENE-Prize 2020: ATHENE researcher receives honorary prize for interdisciplinary teachings
Distinction for Prof. Christian Reuter
Every year, the Carlo and Karin Giersch-Stiftung at the TU Darmstadt awards the “Athene-Preis für gute Lehre” worth 46.000 euros. With this prize, the TU Darmstadt recognises outstanding best-practice-models in the area of teaching. This year’s special prize for interdisciplinary teachings goes to ATHENE researcher Prof. Christian Reuter.

The prize is doted with 5.000 euros and acknowledges the engagement in building up the interdisciplinary teaching that connects informatics, peace and security.
Prof. Reuter leads the department for Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC).
About the Athene-Preis für Gute Lehre
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