ATHENE researchers contribute to new BMBF project CYWARN
New strategies and technologies for the assessment and communication of the cyber-situation
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) launches its support for consortium project “Strategie- und Technologie-Entwicklung zur medienübergreifenden Erstellung eines Cyber-Lagebilds und akteurspezifischen Kommunikation von Cyber-Warnmeldungen“, CYWARN, from 1 October set to last for 3 years, with 2 million euros. ATHENE researcher Prof Christian Reuter, head of the chair for Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC), will coordinate the joint between partners in research, development and application.

The goal of the interdisciplinary project is to support Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) in times of increasingly complex cyber-attacks with new strategies and technology, enabling analysis and communication with the nationwide survey in the cyber-industry. A demonstrator for the automatised collection of public and private data sources is in development, also performing data analyses with a credibility analysis and information prioritisation.
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Research group PEASEC at TU Darmstadt
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