COTECH receives funding for their product idea Hardware Security SDK
The subsidy program StartUpSecure of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the development of safe and easy passwordless logins for businesses. Upon their application, COTECH was closely assisted and advised by the team of the incubator program StartUpSecure | ATHENE, benefitting from their technical and economic expertise.

The young startup COTECH, based in Braunschweig, has been backed by the subsidy program StartUpSecure of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since April 1, 2020. Their product idea Hardware Security SDK helps prevent data piracy in businesses. Passwords are the most common security breach sources for businesses in general. Huge technology corporations have therefore already switched to passwordless logins by means of using a Security Key. What has long since become part of big corporations' everyday work, is now provided by COTECH for small and medium-sized businesses as well: safe and easy passwordless login mechanisms by way of Hardware Security SDK. Thereby, abusive access to internal company accounts can be prevented. For that, COTECH provides a software Development Kit for businesses which enables full authentification of its users. The required cryptographic protocols, as well as the USB- and NFC-hardware drivers are automatically implemented within the IT department.
For further information on StartUpSecure, visit here.
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